The sound of footsteps began to patter through the sheets of rain. Her hands still behind her back she found many of the students giving her a wide girth. Some were still in their first stages of evolution, skittering around and talking excitedly till they saw her.Eyes showing intimidation, who knows, maybe some even thought she was a teacher here. A young voice thrilled behind her, bouncing off the walls and bounding to her side. Asking how she was liking the school, Shira turned her head, surveying the pair of eveelutions that stood near her with a calculated gaze. They looked a little younger, close to each other. Ether good friends or maybe even related. Their own eyes bright and ready, excited for a year that they probably have been looking forward to for some time. "I just got here actually. I been meditating in my room for the last few hours so I'm not entirely sure yet. The gym seems nice though." At first glance it was obvious she would have went to the gym, she always went to the gym, the clicking iron and smell of determination was enough to get her blood pumping. It was one of the only things she really knew, her body being toned to a weapon of muscle it quickly consumed her through childhood. The dull humm of distant thunder caught her attention, looking up she shrugged when others began to run for cover. "And you two? Is it your first year here or have you come back to hone your skills further?" [@Polaris North]