Ceiling bursting apart, the black forms caught in the mess faded as they were scattered about, leaving more black bits. The mass was silenced, Lina dropped to the ground as she was freed. It didn't last. "...Leave." More forms started to sprout around the broken area. Some came up from under Chester, taking him off the ground. "Leave! Leave!" The heads chanted. Like a wave, the arms flowed, growing as they carried Chester out the door, pushing up, then down, forcing him to fall in their pace, even up the stair case. Lina made to follow, tailing the mass just as it was fading in Chester's wake. She called, "Stop damaging the ship! You're just making it mad!" "Leave! Leave!" the chanting continued, heads forming on the walls of the hall. As Lina ran, she got a closer look at the black bits that remained when the hands faded, they appeared to be...petals?