[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Fictitious_Ottoman_flag_9.png[/img] [u][b][color=beige]The Sultanate of the Seljuk[/color][/b] ([i]August 19th, 1910[/i])[/u][/center] Foreign Ambassador to the Seljuk Empire Maximilian Mann had been at his station for less than a month than he was called upon. His contemporary, the Foreign Ambassador to the Kingdom of Blutland, Temel Balkan, was similarly a new face to the realm of Continental politics. Educated at the University of Wreslou, he was an attendant of Continental politics and spoke fluent Zellonian, Blutlander and Antarian. He joked that he once tried to learn Tyrian, but that four languages (three including Seljukii) was plenty enough for one lifetime. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Ibrahim-shinassi-effendi.jpg/147px-Ibrahim-shinassi-effendi.jpg[/img] [i]Side portrait of Temel Balkan, 1906[/i][/center] The meeting was brief, in fact, so brief that it comprised entirely of Balkan calling Ambassador Mann in, unfolding a letter from the Sultan's Bureau and handing it over to the Blutlander ambassador. It read: [quote][center][color=beige][u][b]FROM THE FOREIGN BUREAU OF THE SULTAN OF THE EMPIRE OF THE SELJUKS[/b][/u][/color][/center] [i]The twenty-third Sultan of the Empire of the Seljuks bids the King of the Blutland well. Enclosed here are twelve imperial documents dating as far back as 1461 regarding the current ownership of the island of Dilsen, known to the Seljuks as Tapsây. These documents provide proof of former ownership of the aforementioned island to the Empire of the Seljuks. The Sultan of the Empire of the Seljuks issues this ultimatum for the Kingdom of Blutland as follows: Article I. The island of Tapsây, known in Blutlander as Dilsen, will be rightfully returned to the Empire of the Seljuks no later than September 1st, 1910. Article II. The Kingdom of Blutland will rightfully acknowledge all citizens currently living on the island Tapsây, known in Blutlander as Dilsen, as citizens of the Empire of the Seljuks. Any who wish to remain citizens of the Kingdom of Blutland will be given until September 1st to return to the Kingdom of Blutland and will be allowed to do so after control of the island has been returned to the Empire of the Seljuks until 1920. Article III. The Kingdom of Blutland will legally acknowledge the exchange of the island back to the Empire of the Seljuks. [img]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/59e9997c538fc5b1147b51c70540065423c30fcf/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f393837332f3236383034362f39636564333435342d386566632d313165322d383136652d6139623137306135313030342e706e67[/img] Twenty-third Sultan of the Empire of the Seljuks, Abdu Hamdas[/i][/quote] The ambassador of Blutland was informed he had until August 20th to given a response.