[hider=Character Name / God Name / Concept][center] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Kagura.Demuri.full.1000907.jpg[/img] [color=f26522]⍚ Agon Escalo[/color] ⥥ [color=f26522]21[/color] ⥥ [color=f26522] Male [/color]⥥ [color=f26522] Hetero ⍚ [/color] [h3][color=f26522][i]"I know what I want and I'm going to get it"[/i][/color][/h3][/center] [center] [h1][color=f26522][b]𝔐[/b]y [b]𝔐[/b]ortal [b]ℭ[/b][i]𝔬𝔦𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc]Standing at around 6"2, Agon was always seen as one of the taller ones in his tribe. Being lean yet rather muscular, he had a well defined body. He has a habit of walking with his back arched forward, ruining his stature and making him look much shorter then he actually is. His hair is of a deep unusual red compared to the others of the clan, which mostly have black and brown hair. His eyes have a slight golden shine in them with the outer layer being orange. He sports an outfit which gives him loads of mobility with the tail of a wolf attached to his left shoulder. It was from the first wolf he ever killed on a hunt. His birthmark is a small red dot in the middle of his left hand palm which slightly grows into multiple directions, as if it was broken in pieces, the more often he uses his abilities. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]P[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc]There was something strange about the young red haired boy, although every other kid played around, that particular kid spent most of his time observing the hunters in action or spending his time watching the fauna. Agon was a very curious kid, borderline obsessed with learning and trying to be better then the other kids. This ambitious trait of his only worsened the older he got and soon changed into deep hunger for power. Now considered a man, Agon would do anything to become stronger, and spent days and nights practicing his hunter skills and observing the various creatures roaming the lands. This quickly resulted in him becoming the best hunter in his tribe with bow and sword alike. Agon has a very short temper, and often exploded at the people for the slightest mistake. He's also quick to get provoked and will often challenge anyone that looks at him the wrong way. But since his youth, he's also very observant and can analyse people or creatures pretty fast. He had little regard for people he considered weak and often looked down on them. They were trash to him. He did however have respect for human or creature alike that he considered strong. And treated them with utmost respect and honor. But there's a bad side to this as well, although he did treat them with respect, they became targets to overcome to him, and he would spend tremendous time observing and finding ways to surpass and eventually beat them. Because of his obsession, Agon doesn't really have friends as he has no time for them nor does he have interest in wasting time into building friendships or what not. Also his power hungry nature is well known throughout the tribe and although his hunter companions follow his orders, they are slightly afraid of what he might do. This results in Agon being mostly alone during calm times in the tribe, where he spends time studying or training. Although it hardly bothers him, the claws of loneliness are slowly creeping upon him. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]B[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] I O G R A P H Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc]Vlad comes from a small desert tribe of nomad hunters, the Black Scorpions. Born to a simple hunter father and a simple gatherer mother, there wasn't much exceptional to be told about his family. His father died when he was 7, due to a powerful creature which managed to kill 3 of the tribesmen. Agon, which at that age was already fully focused on becoming stronger, wasn't really affected by it. His father was nothing exceptional. He was a simple hunter, someone from the background. His mother, although disturbed by Agon's worsening personality kept loving him and tried her best to raise him well. But her son's emotional distance and the death of her husband slowly worsened the woman's health throughout the years, eventually resulting in her becoming sick 8 years later and dying soon after. Agon was 15 at the time and already a well respected hunter in the tribe. And yet again, he was hardly stuck by any emotion at his mothers death. As time passed, Agon became stronger and better than ever at hunting, eventually surpassing the best hunter in the tribe and becoming their leader. And even though he reached his original goal, he still felt empty.. Like he was missing something important. This resulted in him starting to hunt bigger and stronger prey although the tribe could perfectly survive on the various prey they hunt on for generations. This considerably made the hunts more dangerous and many hunters that accompanied him didn't survive. The tribesmen eventually grew tired of this stopped following the redhaired hunter. After many negotiations, since they couldn't completely leave Agon behind since he was such a successful hunter, there was an agreement that whenever he went on a hunt after powerful creatures, he would go alone. [/color] [color=f26522][b]Memories Retained:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Ignore for now[/color] [list][*][*][*][/list][/indent] [center] [h1][color=f26522]𝔐y ℑmmortal 𝔖[i]𝔬𝔲𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [hider=Without armor, but with golden eyes like his mortal form][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/20/cc/c3/20ccc306888d378982040be8f15b4850.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Battle Armor][Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/39/7f/1f397f64eb47671ddcd1d37719d49b33.jpg[/Img][/hider] [color=f26522]⍚ Agni [/color] ⥥ [color=f26522]God of fire and ambition[/color] ⥥ [color=f26522] Male [/color]⥥ [color=f26522] Hetero ⍚ [/color] [color=f26522][h3][quote=Agni]"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." [/quote][/h3][/color][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]G[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522]O D L Y A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc][color=cccccc]For a god, Agni didn't look that impressive. He had long bright red hair, reaching his shoulders. His red hair would glow red depending on his mood. Same goes for his eyes. He was tall, taller than the tallest human, reaching 7"2. His body was well formed and athletic. He would often appear in his armor, as he's rarely seen without it. His armor is also pretty simple for a good, but Agni wasn't the type to care about how flashy he looked, he cared about results. His armor was perfect for that, as it protected him well while still giving him decent mobility. [/color][/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]K[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] N O W N F O R[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc] - The destructive power of fire. - The source of heat and life, and bringer of fire. - Filling ones with ambition and determination, especially leaders - Guiding the humans to higher places, led with high ambition and the warmth and destruction of fire - Keeping the darkness away with the ever old first flame [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]F[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] O R M A T I V E M O M E N T S I N H I S T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc]Agni was born when the first flame was created. The first flame, which is the divine protector of the humans and it's guiding light, needed a guardian to protect it and thus the god came to being. You could say he was the personification of the first flame. Agni was the reason fire was introduced to the humans, multiplying their chances of survival and keeping them warm and safe. And making them strive for greatness, which drove the humans to expand and become dominant on the entire planet. But fire wasn't only known for it's good parts, it also had it's bad sides. Fire was a destructive force in the wrong hands, destroying waste parts of land and forests and killing everything in its way. Fire is a double edged sword, it's a powerful allie but also a dangerous enemy. [/color][/indent] [center] [h1][color=f26522]𝔐y 𝔊ifts 𝔚[i]𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]S[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] K I L L S E T[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=cccccc]Three General skills to start and up to two combat abilities. Due to the setting you may also have 1 Survival ability.[/color][/i] [list][*][color=f26522] - Agon has hunted for almost all his life, so he's extremely proficient at tracking animals.[/color][*][color=f26522] - Agon is quite good at skinning his prey, and turning it's hide and bones into various equipments.[/color][*][color=f26522] - He's a master archer[/color][/list] [list][*][color=f26522] - He can use his fire to easily create campfires or warm himself or his surroundings up[/color][*][color=f26522] - Having spent countless hours practicing his swordsmanship, Agon is quite skilled with blades. [/color][*][color=f26522] - He's pretty much immune to heat and resistant to burns.[/color][*][color=f26522] - He's able to propulse his fire through his limbs to have quick bursts of movements or jump really high.[/color][/list] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] B I L I T I E S[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=f26522]These will unlock as we continue.[/color][/i] [color=f26522][b]Life Force[/b][/color]: [color=cccccc]0/0 (ignore for now)[/color] [color=f26522][b]Ability 1: Fire creation[/b][/color] [color=f26522][i]Using his inner fire, he's able to materialize objects made of fire[/i][/color] [indent] [color=f26522][b]Fire extension[/b] - when he swings his arm or leg, fire forms around them, burning his foes and can be prolonged at will. [/color] [color=f26522][b]Fire materialization[/b] - Is able to create weapons or arrows at will. The weapon is made of pure fire and is as sturdy as steel. Burns everything it comes in contact with except the wearer. [/color] [color=f26522][b]Fire explosion[/b] - Is able to detonate the objects he created, resulting in powerful explosions. Is especially effective when he activates this skill when shooting his arrows. [/color][/indent] [color=f26522][b]Ability 2: Fire destruction[/b][/color] [color=f26522][i]Able to create fire from his body [/i][/color] [indent] [color=f26522][b]Fire projection[/b] - Agon is able to shoot fire from his hands or mouth, burning everything infront of him[/color] [color=f26522][b]Fire shell[/b] - Agon can completely surround himself in fire, protecting him from various creatures or absorbing other sources of fire[/color] [color=f26522] [b]Fire meteor[/b] - Agon is able to shoot fireballs which explode on contact. The blast depends on the size and energy level of the fireball. From the smallest being able to smash boulders into pieces to the biggest ones being able to destroy entire buildings. [/color][/indent] [color=f26522]Ability 3: God of fire[/color] [color=f26522][i]Agon's most powerful abilities, which takes a huge toll on his body and even death[/i][/color] [color=f26522][b]Prepare for combat[/b] - Is a much higher level and mix of fire materialization and shell. Creates the powerful firegod armor made from the most intense fire providing absolute heat and burn immunity and weapons of choice. The weapons are as hot as the inner of the earth and burn through everything but the strongest magical materials.[/color] [color=f26522][b]Incinerate[/b] - By pointing both his hands at a certain target, Agon can shoot a powerful beam of pure fire energy, destroying most in it's path before eventually exploding in a massive explosion[/color] [color=f26522][b]Supernova[/b] - Agon creates a massive ball of fire, which when shot, can cause a city wide explosion, destroying everything in it's path. [/color] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]I[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] N V E N T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b] [color=f26522]- a high quality bow given to the tribe leader - a quiver with 20 arrows - A longsword he once looted from a band of bandits - Various equipment needed to skin animals and prepare meals[/color] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]O[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] T H E R[/color][/sub][/b] / [ ⍚ ] [b][color=f26522][b]R[/b][/color][sub][color=f26522] E L A T I O N S H I P S[/color][/sub][/b] [center][b][color=cccccc]Will you participate in the Relationship Assignment?: REQUIRED[/color][/b] [color=cccccc][i]This section will be replaced with a Relation Sheet.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] Okay finally done! I know the character is still pretty rough and unfinished but it's so late here now and I wanna sleep haha, feel free to criticize me and tell me if I should add or remove anything. I like honest opinions! [@Mae]