[color=gray]Rosewood Manor was a proud, Victorian mansion nestled among the redwood forests, offset from the shores of Prudence Bay. Over time, thick bundles of vine crept up the mossy stone, covering most of its walls with lush green foliage. One might judge from outward appearance that it was merely a husk of what it once was, abandoned to let nature claim its elements. While in truth, it housed Cornelius Moreau, an Elder amongst his kind, a small council of representatives, his disciples and coven members. Among these members, was a youthful vampire by the name of Vivienne Latreal. She came as a stranger and was welcomed as a daughter. Vivienne stood at the tall window of her resting quarters, her gaze level with the tops of the redwoods, eyes seemingly unfocused [color=darkgray][i]Brother…[/i][/color] She called out silently, [color=darkgray][i]The meeting has finished and Nathaniel wishes to speak to you.[/i][/color] For a moment there was silence before his words reverberated in her mind,[color=darkgray][i] ‘Yes dear sister, I shall return before the sun rises.’[/i][/color] Vivienne huffed softly, loathing that she was often a messenger for Lerick’s diplomatic affairs. After her death she cared little anymore about politics, or the laws that governed their lands. Often she would ignore quarantine, escaping from the walls of the manor to feel her feet on the sodden earth of the forest or the sandy beaches of New Orleans. She enjoyed watching the patrons of the city sit by campfires on the beach, playing their instruments or dancing. She envied them, how they were so unaware of the war waging in the dark. Vivienne smoothed the fabric of her porcelain white muslin dress, adjusting as necessary and lifted it slightly as she made her way down the spiral steps of the western corridor and then again down the stairs in the main [url=https://betterarchitecture.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/garnier-opera-house-lobby.jpg]foyer[/url]. Nathaniel was standing at the bottom, speaking with a visitor. His eyes caught hers and she saw him mouth some words to the stranger before the man took his leave. Nathaniel turned his body to her as she approached and extended his hand. [/color]“You should be careful mon ami, walking the steps in such proper dress.”[color=gray] He smirked. Vivienne lifted the hem of her dress to reveal bare feet and his smirk turned to a frown.[/color] “Silly little girl.” [color=gray]He laughed, letting his hand fall to his side.[/color] “I am neither silly nor little, Nathan.” [color=gray]She huffed, staring daggers into his eyes.[/color] “Of course not,” [color=gray]He mused softly, placing his hand at her waist as he walked her the last few steps before pulling her close.[/color] “However, what kind of gentleman would I be if I did not escort such a beautiful woman should she choose to walk near me?”[color=gray] He brushed his thumb against her cheek, corner of his mouth curling. Vivienne smiled, grabbed his wrist gently and stepped backward.[/color] “I spoke with Lerick, he says he is to return before sunrise. I assume no earlier, knowing him.” [color=gray]Nathaniel’s lips pursed into a dissatisfied grimace.[/color] “Could you tell him-“ “No, I am not your messenger girl.” [color=gray]She snapped. Vivienne pulled a note from her person and handed it to Nathaniel. [/color]“Cornelius says you and Lerick are to meet him in the city to discuss the situation. Should he and his Sire accept to aide us they are to be brought here by starlight. Shadows* will be nearby the entire trip.”[color=gray] Nathaniel nodded, tucking the note in the pocket on his chest. He stood silent for a moment before cocking his head slightly.[/color] “Where are you off to?”[color=gray] He asked while crossing his arms and looking to her feet.[/color] “No where, of course. Just taking a stroll around the Manor.” [color=gray]Vivienne replied quaintly, smiling ever so sweet.[/color] “Right.”[color=gray] He smirked.[/color] “Well, should you change your mind. It seems I won’t be leaving until after next sunset. I would be delighted to have your company.” “I have other arraignments, perhaps Annalise or Raquel or…any other woman here, might be willing to assist you?”[color=gray] She sneered, still smiling, and took to walking toward the main hall. [/color] [sub]*Shadows are what the vampiric community call their "Guards", or those who are hired to protect coven members, especially Elders.[/sub]