Location: [hider=location][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1970428_10200677970391243_1027935935_n.jpg[/img][/hider] Flag: (What does your nation’s flag look like? Steal one or make one in paint, whatever you please) Nation Name: Zyphiria Demonym: (Swedish, Swede, you get the idea) People/s: (What important peoples are living in your nation? How big a percentage of the population is each? Briefly describe each people) Population Scale/Nation Size: (Small: 1-99.999, Medium: 100.000-499.999, Large: 500.000-1000.000) Government: (What kind of government does your nation have and how does it work?) Heroes: (Who are your heroes, and what are they like? Give a short description of each with appearance, background, pros and cons, etc. 2 heroes, max.) Capital: (Name and description of your nation’s capital) Settlements: (Briefly describe your nation's architecture; do they use buildings of wood, stone or both or perhaps only tents?) Nation Description: (What’s your nation like? A text to get the feel of your nation, may include history, culture, etc) Magic/Tech Barometer: (Is your nation inclined towards magic or technology? Choose one of the levels listed below: 1) Exclusively magic. Magic is a part of everyday life for everyone. Most people are capable of simple magic. Heroes may be advanced magicians. Social tech is equal to hunter/gatherer societies. Military tech is limited to simple bronze smithy and bows and arrows. 2) Mostly magic. Magic is a common sight and is often involved in religious worship or government. It is common for officials to be simple magicians. Heroes may be normal magicians. Social tech is equal to iron age/early medieval societies. Military tech is limited to iron smithy, simple fortifications and siege equipment, and advanced bows and arrows. 3) Neutral. Magic is normal, but far from common. It is mainly for privileged people. Heroes may be normal magicians. Social tech is equal to medieval/early renaissance societies. Military tech is limited to advanced smithy, advanced fortifications and siege equipment, and crossbows. 4) Mostly technology. Magic is rare. Only a few people are capable of wielding it, but even they don’t know much about it. Heroes may be simple magicians. Social tech is equal to late renaissance societies. Military tech is limited to simple mechanics and chemistry, advanced fortifications and gunpowder siege equipment, and muskets. 5) Exclusively technology. Magic is abolished and technology rules supreme. Heroes may not be magicians. Social tech is equal to early industrial era societies. Military tech is limited to advanced mechanics, superior fortifications and advanced gunpowder siege equipment, and single shot rifles.) Religion: (If there's religious worship in your nation, how is it done and what are the deities like?) Flora & Fauna: (What creatures and plants can be found in your nation?) Ambitions: (Is your nation expansionistic, trade-orientated, or a mediator? Just a quick summary, almost like a rumor of what your nation will be known as internationally) Economy: (What kind of economic system does your nation have? What is your nation importing/in need of? What is it exporting/in excess of?) Military: (What is the size of your military (max 10% of population)? What kind of troops do you have? Do you have a navy?)