Heyyo. For those who can't read my name (for some godforsaken reason), I'm Catabasis, or just "Kat." (Note the K, not the C - the first was taken already.) I've gone by many names across the internet, all grand and terrible, but I'm undergoing a rebranding effort. (If you've heard the name Rinne before, that's me.) So I'm not exactly a newbie to RPing - I first got started in, oh god, 6-7th grade? Seeing as I'm a last-year university student, that's 10 or so years ago. Actually moderated a smaller community RPing forum for a number of those years, which was where I picked up many of my skills. Things have dwindled off recently, though - either due to drama or just lack of interest/engagement. I'm hoping starting somewhere new and somewhere fresh will help get me going. But yeah, enough about that. As previously mentioned, I'm 22, he/him/his pronouns, and a last-year university student in Boston, studying economics and international affairs. My primary interests outside of roleplaying are MtG, Welcome to Night Vale, and LGBTQ advocacy. You may see these themes pop up into whatever I join and the characters I write. Aaaand I think that's it. Hoping to get the ball rolling soon enough! (BTW, Ninanai Nanashi and I are friends from elsewhere. I got dragged here by her.)