As he listened to the Turian, Arlus paced back and forth a bit at the back of the group, from what he was gathering they where going straight into the heart of the enemy or to go cut the head off the snake, part of him started to wonder why he had signed of for this, but the other part could see that Icarus was a big threat and needed to be dealt with. But this seemed to just bring up the next question, why send this little group of nobody's and not a military force to deal with them, Arlus was getting frustrated just thinking about it, and it showed as he continued to pace and clinch his fists. He waited until the Turian was finished before stepping forward [color=DarkTurquoise]"Umm... Hi names Arlus Vulcan, I'm a Specialist in a number of different things but that's not why I'm speaking up"[/color] He said slightly nervously as he scratched the back of his head. [color=DarkTurquoise]"My question is to you, Do you think we are really fit to take on these guys by ourselves, I mean it seems sorta suicidal if you ask me"[/color] He asked before taking a deep breath. He could only hope he asked the right question and not sounded dumb doing it, but he felt it needed to be asked and he wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way, considering he didn't even know who he was technically working with or any of there names for that matter.