[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Cf16fPh.png?1[/img][/center] Hearing Alexis talk that a true trainer would fight, Rasa thought that she would fight even if she wasnt a trainer. Stealing is a crime. She was personally not surprised the gang ignored the fair route of a challenge of 3 v 3. "Ready when you are... Ready to let the storm strike!" Said Corina when she was let out on the grass field making Rasa feel proud, that was the spirit that will take them to the top. The opponent released their pokemon and Rasa didnt rally recognized any of them, beside Luvdisc' who started to charm Honedge. Rasa looked at her pokedexs only managing to see all the typing as the now she knew Bouffalant attacked, landing a hit on Corina with his head. "Corina!" Rasa worriedly stated only to see that her pokemon took the hit not having much of an effective. They had to focus fire. She was about to suggest that as Honedge was raising his attack back up. When Jaden called out to Vix to attack Skorupi. She smirked good she wasnt the only one thinking that. At least that what she assumed was Jaden intention. "Corina, get around Bouffalant!" She watched her eevee to see if she heard her. "I need you to tackle Skorupi, the moment after the ember hit. Dont give her any breathing room to orient herself!" Just as she gave that order she gave a nod to Alexis hoping she understood it as well, but what did surprise her was that Jaden was ... [i]Was he trying to talk the opponents pokemon out of fighting them?[/i] She found herself dumbfounded at that course of action. She pushed that aside she had to focus on the battle for Corinas sake. Not on the strangest of her rival. Hopefully he knew what he was doing and wasnt just a idiot who turned himself a target for the pokemon he talked to. [hr] [hr] [color=black][h2] Zorua - Viridian city[/h2][/color] When he heard Noibat loudly complain about his love for sweet. His only response was to show her his tongue. Ice cream was his only weakness, but it was a principle he didnt pay for it. Watching her huff her complains was amusing to Zorua. He nodded at the fact she wanted to change. He huffed when she in her pokemon form decided to rub against his cheek. Really he wasnt a fan of that. Crossing his arms he watched her fly off and moved in the darker shade of a tree. She was very quick to return in his opinion as he didnt even get to fall into a nap. [color=662d91]"I really, really don't get how ya can stand dressin' up like this everyday? It feels so weird and uncomfortable . . ."[/color] "Loving it." He simple responded to her wondering, leading them into the city. It was true, disguising himself was a passion. They were walking and no one paid them much attention. He made sure he walked just like he saw trainers do when they feel full of themself. Only slowing down two times once when they passed a hair salon who displayed several wigs, and another time a clothing shop with a new assortment for the season. "Think blue would work with my eyes?" He casually questioned her eyeing a dark blue dress, it wouldnt be the first time he dressed as a girl either. Dresses were so much nicer to his tail. The destination was in sight, a ice cream stand in the children park, with a bunch of the kids playing on the swings and running around. On the stand worked a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f3/85/4f/f3854ffad09c2acbaa8c1d150e9a2882.jpg]Bublesaur[/url] . She was all smiles, but Zorua was trying to see what tactics to go this time. There were more than enough bags just sitting beside the parents from which they could get the wallets, or maybe try something more imaginative. "Want to work your magic?" Zorua whispered, knowing Noibat would probably more than love to pickpocket some of them. "I am your trainer if you need back up." He added with a wink, just in case she got caught which he doubted but better having a backup plan then not. He moved to a bench a bit off the way from the children and pretended he was searching for something inside his bag. For a second he felt watched, but it passed quickly. (if you want to introduce your grass ghost pokemon you can do it here [@Ashevelendar]) [@geminironin] [@Shadow Daedalus][@Ashevelendar][@Feisty-Pants][@Raijinslayer]