I would like to join but I am not sure if I understand everything perfectly. I made a CS, please tell me my mistakes and gentle. [@mae] [hider=Dagon Belldon] [hider=Human Appearance] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9ca7f89b46eb53b5a3397d571c1471d7/tumblr_nhtggdLelZ1td8cquo1_r1_500.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Physical Human Attributes] Age: 21/ Height: 6'2/ Weight: 185 pounds/ Hair Color: Midnight Black/ Eye Color: Hazel Brown/ Skin Tone: Mediterranean, Tan/ Facial Hair: Slight beard as if he has not shaven in a day or two but not a full beard./ Hair Style: Messy, Silky, Slightly pulled back at about medium length. [/hider] [hider=Personality] As a human, Dagon is patient and forgiving but mostly silent. He prefers to not waste words as strange as that sounds. He hides he emotions behind stone face when he is upsetm and when he is happy his emotions are worn on his sleeve. Maybe a better explanation would be that he believes he should only speak when he needs to, as to not say something useless or something he would regret. He detests violence, and while he is willing to defend himself and those who are innocent, he will take every option before fighting. Dagon finds humor very enjoyable, as well as reading, eating, and helping others. He enjoys Sci-fy books, eating spicy food, and enjoys helping those who are less fortunate than him. His favorite color is midnight blue. He prefers long sleeve clothing and jeans, and despises wearing shorts or short sleeve shirts. Dagon feels very uncomftorable wearing shorts or short sleeve shorts, almost as if he was exposed in some way. He also prefers to have his clothes more tight fitted than loose. He wears his prefered style of clothing at any time or season of the year. Dagon enjoys being around people who bring joy or laughter to him or those around them. He may prefer one gender, but he does not judge anyone for who or what they choose to love or desire. He has no desire to be married, and is not picky when it comes to his female lovers. He does judge those who break their sacred vow of marriage harshly, as he believes marriage is something that if you choose to enter with someone, you should keep to it. He does not partake in spirits, but does not judge those who do. It is not as if he has something against alcohol, but he prefers to have a sober state of mind at all time. Spirits tend to bring out his worst qualities, and prevent him from hiding his thoughts or feeling. He loses his verbal filter, and speaks more than he will in an entire week. Dagon loves nature, and likes to explore wherever he can. He does not claim very many ma tieral possessions. In fact Dagon does not own a home. He lives outside, and finds his food where he can. Dagon does this by choice, not by being forced in any way shape or form. He has never valued matieral possessions much, and held more value in honesty and innovation. [/hider] [hider=Biography] Dagon never knew his real family, being an orphan for as long as he could remember. Where this orphanage was, Dagon could never say. He lived in the orphanage until he was 16. When he was a child, while he was growing up, he learned that peoples true intentions were showed by their action and not their words. The other kids at the orphanage would bully him for no reason other than he was different. He prefered to read instead of playing outside with everyone, and when everyone was inside he prefered to explore by himself. He was often reprimanded for his disobiediance. But he never truly meant any harm to anyone, or to disrespect anyone of his elders. He just wanted to learn, to explore. Those around him would only slow him down in his mind, reason being is that until he was older he would not have many friendly interactions with people. He held no specific love for anyone in his orphanage, but he did not hate anyone. Not even his bullies. He felt sorry for them, for he realized they felt just as trapped as him but instead of doing something productive with it they took it out on him. He never fought back against his bullies, and he never hurt them with his words. When he turned 16, he simply woke up that morning and walked out with a bag full of supplies and a few spare clothing. Over the years he learned that not everyone was as selfish and cruel as his orphan family members, and he took several lovers and met many great people. Even though he was homeless and had to work for his next meal, he never stole from those who treated people fairly, and he always found a way to stay clean and fresh smelling. He experienced many things while living his life up until now, most of which he would be willing to tell if he was in a story telling mood. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pathos] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/2f26/f/2013/045/2/8/pothos__god_of_passionate_longing_by_tffan234-d5faew9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Godly Physical Attributes] Height: 6'2/ Hair Color: Changes with his current taste, but is currently Midnight Black/ Eye Color: Hazel Brown/ Facial Hair: None/ Skin tone: Mediterranean, Tan/ Hair Style: He prefers his hair pulled back and made into a ponytail. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Pothos is open and warm, friendly an inviting. He is extremely flirty, and finds joy and happiness in everything and everyone. He prefers to look at the brightside of everything, and it would take something inconcievable to piss him off. He can veiwed sometimes as chaotic neutral, be it that his views on things can be.....harsh. He is the God of desire and yearning, and he encourages everyone to bend to their desires and what they yearn. In whatever way they can. Even if do soemthing......revolting to achieve what they sought out to do or possess. [/hider] [hider=Bio] Pothos was the god of sexual longing, yearning and desire. He was one of the winged love-gods known as Erotes. Late classical writers describe him as a son of Zephyros (the west wind) and Iris (the rainbow) representing the variegated passions of love. The three Erotes--Pothos, Himeros and Eros--were often depicted together in Greek vase painting. Pothos took human lovers often, and loved walking the earth. He much preffered it to living in Olympus. There, everything seemed so perfect, so clean, and so fake. Everything there, while yes many desired, was too easily attainable. On Earth, people yearned and lusted, but things were not as easy to obtain, making the lust and yearning larger and stronger. On a day that seemed more average than most days, he spotted his starkissed. She had been bathing a river, alone, and she radiated everything he desired and more. Pothos was never sure how or why, but chose not to question it. He wanted her, but more than that he yearned for her to want him. Pothos, for weeks, would watch her from afar. He would watch and study, trying to figure out what drew him to her. He swore he wouldnt but he was slightly confused by his own feelings, whihc were much stornger than any feelings towards any women before. After weeks, he could bare it no longer. He introduced himself to her, and began courting her. He would appear in human form, never hinting at his Godly heritage and nature. He courted her, swooned her, romanced her, he did everything in his power to please her. But he did not share a bed with her. Not yet. After woohing the women for months, he decided he could not take it anymore, and confessed his undying love for her and his true nature. She recieved him with open arms, and they married shortly after. You may think this strange, but you see he was the God of desire, yearning, and lust. And he only had those feelings for his new wife. No other women could compare, and he loved her with all his soul. And her to him in return. When she died, he was devasted. He could not make her immortal, and so he was forced to hold her until she took ehr last breath. Over the course of her many different life times, He watched over her. He kept her safe, and when she was sad sometimes she could even feel his force watching her. He also kept track of her lineage, for while they were together whe they were wedded, she gave birth to his son. He watched over them, but never interfered. It was not the Godly way. While he was married to her technically, he made the mistake of believing that the version of her he married was still his wife, not these other lifetimes of her. He still felt loyalty to her. Eventually though his spirit began to break and crumble and he felt hollow inside. He missed his wife, and he could only ever watch her in all her lifetimes but never touch. He still only desired her. This brought about a wave of sorrow across the land. People lost their motivation, their desires, their yearning. For sex at first, but it grew dangerously to everything later on. The Dark Lords came for him, and he did not resist. They tore his Immortal soul from his body, and cast him to the mortal realm forever. He still contained his Godly aura of desire, lust, and yearning though. As he grew older as a human, this aura would activate and become stronger. [/hider] [hider=Abilites] (1)Revelation Elevation: This ability allows, upon skin to skin contact, for ones truest and darkest desires to be revealed. This ability does not allow the caster to choose which desire, or how the subject will act out. (2 Not Active)Eye of the Beholder: With eye contact between caster and subject, which must be maintained for three seconds, the subject becomes instantly sexually attracted and wishful of the caster. Subject can resist if will is strong enough, and original opinion is that they do not desire him. The subject has total control over their actions still, they just beome insanely aroused. (3 Not Active)Deliverance of Peace: With only a moment of eye contact and skin to skin contact, he can erase a persons urges, desires, yearnings, and motivations. They do not die, they simply become tranquil. They want for nothing, they care for nothing, they wish for nothing, they feel nothing. They become husks of the person they were. [/hider] [/hider]