[color=plum][center][h3]- Laurel -[/h3][/center][/color] [center][@FallenTrinity][/center] The gifted woman lounged luxuriously in the silken sheets next to the dragon, smoke rolling off her skin in pale grey tendrils. She laughed softly at Sulley's words, her eyes closed as she laid beside him. "[color=plum]Indeed it was.[/color]" Her voice was little more than a husky contented sigh. Her inky black hair was cast around her and across the dark red of her pillowcase. She rolled to her side as she turned her face towards him, attempting to read his face. He appeared to be displeased about something but she had a feeling it wasn't her. She watched him easily, her eyes traveling across the dips and swells of his athletic frame. She admired him briefly in silence, indulging herself. Soon he was up and moving, telling her he wanted to go find Vlad. She wasn't quite sure what he had in mind but there wasn't much she could do to sway him one way or the other. He headed for the shower and was out in a just a few minutes, dressed and another cigarette already between his lips. She nodded easily at him as she headed for the shower herself. She washed quickly, wringing the water from her long hair and rimming her eyes with kohl before she exited the bathroom. She padded easily across the darkly stained wood floor. She didn't bother to cover herself, she found no reason to do so now. Pulling a fresh set of delicate lace underthings, they were a soft lavender color, almost white, that stood out against her now darkened olive skin. Laurel pursed her lips softly before selecting a backless sundress that showcased the tattoo along her spine. The dress itself was a soft warm green, a close and near perfect match to her eyes. It clung to her upper body then fell loosely to the middle of her thighs. She slid into it quickly before slipping into some golden flats her mother had sent her recently. She slid a hair tie around her wrist, she would put it up when it was drier. For now it hung loosely down her back and over her shoulders, still damp. When she reached Sulley's side she offered a brief smile before turning her back to him and pulling her hair aside and away from the back of her slender neck. "[color=plum]Will you latch the chain for me?[/color]" She gestured with her hand to her to the slim golden chain that hung loosely from one shoulder of the dress. "[color=plum]It latches just on the other shoulder, just a snap I believe.[/color]"