[Center][h1][color=red]Reezan[/color][/h1][/center] The briefing of of the mission was short and sour, the way he's used to things; back in the Blue Suns you got your mission and you liked it, not like you had the choice. When Tarrin mentioned his confiscated weapons Reezan perked up and was anxious to get his old friend back. Right before he left he heard the other Turian, Arlus, complaining about the mission. Reezan couldn't deal with cowardice, sure he took a long distance approach to things but when he was sent out, he got results. [Color=red]"This is our mission Arlus, there is no point wondering if anyone else can do our job for us."[/color] Reezan stated coldly and walked down to the storage bay himself. Reezan found his gun quickly, after all it was easy to spot, a M-98 Widow, modified with a silencer, with a Blue Suns paint job. He didn't like the colors but it was the rifle issued to him so it became his own. Reezan took it to the weapon tables near the crew storage lockers and began to perform upkeep. The Widow has seen better days, some of the parts were jammed and the barrel was filthy. While cleaning he spotted an old memory on the side of his rifle, a row of tally marks that he made with his omni-blade representing his past kills. It marked 44 as of now and he only felt he'll need to start on the other side soon enough, [i]I think I'm getting tired of all the killing, but it's what I have to do.[/i] he somberly let out a sigh of exhaustion.