[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vYFFhvq.png[/img] [b]Present; Central Park, New York City[/b][/center] To the more corporeal and 'grounded' undead, the tugging sensation that raced through their soul might have been momentary thing, and presented little to worry about; they were safe from the threat to their continued existence as a lone entity, perhaps as a product of their independent form. This was not the case for Mandate- Or rather, not entirely. The noise that came from her as she doubled over beneath the reservoir's surface was akin to a keening screech. It wasn't a very human sound, but Mandate did not have the human words to describe the sensation inside of her. Racing fire inside of... Veins? She had no veins. Magma in her core. Howling inside bones that she did not possess. The entirety of her existence lurched as magic played tug-o-war with the enchantment that comprised her being. Her fist slammed down into the floor of the reservoir. A sizable crater formed beneath her fury, and the water's surface trembled as her mindless lashing passed through. [color=LightPink]"What is this? [i]What is this?[/i]"[/color] [i]Pain[/i], her body and souls answered, [i]This is pain.[/i] A revelation bubbled up from the magic that held her together, and the rogue juggernaut understood. Mandate's existence was something between corporeal and incorporeal. It was true that she possessed her body formed of mercury and blood, but the truth of her existence dwelt within the spirits bound to that form; magic was not encoded into her flesh, but rather in the very minds and souls that were so grotesquely combined to make her ethereal 'core' spirit. This was partially the cause of her [i](relative)[/i] vulnerability to the ethereal things in the world; her soul was far stronger than the average human's, but far more open to things that struck the spirit itself. This new and unimaginable sensation that was racing through her was pain, her first taste of it since her 'birth'. It was the quaking of her soul. And then it was gone. [Color=LightPink][i]But why was it here?[/i][/color] Shaky despite her utter lack of internal bodily functions, Mandate arose out of her crouch at the bottom of the reservoir. The crater she had left was barely given a glance as she began to slink back the way she had came, trailing the foulness of her metaphysical existence in her wake. It was still funny to her, how fragile everything was; stone cracked if she increased her weight to even a fraction of the mass she could feel lurking [i]elsewhere[/i], and the water offered as much resistance to her stride as air did to a human being. Only, it wasn't so funny anymore, because now she was certain that she was fragile as well. Not in the same way, but... Mandate's smile inverted as she pressed a clawed hand to the smooth surface of her stomach, the water of the reservoir running off of her unusually fast as she broke the surface. The echoes of pain were still fading away. [Color=LightPink][i]I could feel it, when it pulled me. It was trying to pull me... Sideways?[/i][/color] Mandate tilted her head left and right as she strode through the railing in the way of her emergence, the sound of screeching metal idly registered and ignored. It didn't [i]look[/i] like there was anything unusual on the path, or in the trees. She could hear people nearby, but she could always hear that in this strange place, this city. [Color=LightPink][i]Or maybe it was downwards. Should I go down?[/i][/color] Her head tilted left, then right. [color=LightPink][i]How would I go down?[/i][/color] She wanted to know what had given her that awful feeling, but the means escaped her for the moment. She didn't know the area, nor how she could hope to find the source of the sensation. Digging was an option, she decided, but... Crouching down, the curious golem swept her hand through the grass, sending a chunk of dirt crashing into a nearby tree as she considered the earth below. She could dig with her strength, but by now the sense of [i]where [/i]was just a vague impression. She didn't think she would find anything. She hummed curiously as she dropped onto her backside in the earth, contemplating the small hole she had made and ignoring the silly human beings that scurried around inside the park. She had startled some of them with her digging, but that didn't really bother her. She had far more pressing concerns. The grass and fresh earth was pretty.