I will pull us out of hyperspace next Friday (Earlier if everyone wishes). I'm going to give the hyperspace jump over to you guys as 'down time' and am not going to mess with any of you and throw plot at any of you due to all that's just been going on. Feel free to roleplay by yourself, or collaborate with other people as much as you wish. The only rule is that you don't bring us out of hyperspace. I will be posting as Locke before then, so don't get worried if you see a post with him before next week I will wait before I push us out. From this point out there will be more than one thing going on, as to ensure that everyone is happy and has stuff to do ship wide events will be limited. But I'll give everyone stuff to do, and I know some of you have given yourself stuff to do. If you're ever struggling to find something to do feel free to contact me. [hr] On another note, before 00:00 GMT Me and [@Heat] are going to pick a post for the Best Post of the Month award. What do you get? De Nada. I just feel that you guys are all super awesome and it's nice to recognize your amazing skills. If you have one you'd like to nominate feel free to get in touch with me. [hr] Any criticism offered on the post that has taken more of my life than any I have ever done before, is welcome.