[@Polaris North][@CloseEnough][@Tala Avana][@Iatos] Cassandra is moving around on her office, which is a mini library in the shape of tall cylinder, getting ready for the busy day ahead. There are many little wall lamps and chandeliers for Cassandra to read anywhere lofted if she so desires. Cassandra prefers to read on the comfy reading chair at the bottom. It also allows where students can easily found her if so needed. Although Cassandra mainly lectures history and literature, Cassandra helps some psychics with precognition to better understand their powers on the side. Cassandra leaves her Office and walks though the halls towards the place where the welcoming speech is held every year. Cassandra stops in front of a window and stares blankly out into the grey sky. A lighting strike brings her back to reality. Cassandra quickly continues toward the planned destination.