[@Mae] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vMlpWUkx2Wi5wbmcifQ.snQlDddxEFQ69faU-obOq0YzPFM?width=210&height=249[/img] [color=yellow] Location: With Ophella nearby meeting location Mood: Happy[/color][/center] [hr] Bahij had his elk, named Iki, trot toward the meeting place. Its head held in a proud way while the falcon continued to...not care. He lost himself in his thoughts, excited to see everyone taught again. That and to be able to trade his goods. Meetings were always good since there was so much festivity and so much happiness ripe for enjoyment. Bahij heard a familiar voice calling his name and he slid off the back of Iki. He took the lead of the makeshift halter he had made for said elk and quickly made his way to her. Holding the lead tightly so that Iki did not run ahead of him. When they got close enough he hugged her and then stood back and smiled. [color=yellow]"Opella how are you? it feels like its been so long since we last saw each other"[/color] Seeing her now made him remember a certain picnic they had had such a long time ago. Part of him wondered if she still had feelings for him and if she did how exactly he felt about it. Iki nuzzled her and seemed just as happy to see her. The falcon seemed to remain uncaring. The falcon gave one look then looked away owning up to the name it had been given of Prince with its attitude. Bahij smiled as he animal companion reacted to seeing Ophella and tilted his head. He knew that Ophella would be going through the ceremony to become a woman. [color=yellow]"Are you excited for your ceremony?"[/color]