[center][h1]Update![/h1] [@Vicier][@Metronome][@ChaoticFox][@Caits][@Damo021][@Azaria Blue][@BlackPanther][@Zhaliora] Good day everyone, the RP will be hitting off this Sunday evening around 11PM EST so if some of you haven't already start writing up them relationship sheets they don't have to be filled out right away, just get up as soon as possible. Send PMs or discuss on here however you all want to figure that out. Also the RP will be starting one day before the trip starts, so those characters who will be at the camp will be the newly turned werewolves, those who have characters that are already werewolves you can have them either with the others at the camp or somewhere else in town. Also! If you have any questions just send a message to me and I will be willing to help out, also if there is a location that you'd like to add let me know with a picture and small description, and a final note those who have been in this RP will know if you have ideas for potential future arc stories send me a PM! :) EDIT!: Also once you have worked out the relationship sheet tag me the filled one and I will edit into each of your characters in the CS tab.[/center]