Watching the interactions before her didn't put her at ease in the slightest. The pilot woman seemed callous and rude as she worked her way to the top of the food chain by chomping the heads off of each person in the room, her eyes and mumblings alone enough to do the work her teeth possibly could. An internal groan of grief would have been a typical response for Erin, if not for a sudden interruption... a left hand extended before her, leading to the body of a tall and bearded man. [color=2F4F4F]“I’m Anton, the designated medical professional for the duration of the expedition. Who might you be?”[/color] Strange as it was, she welcomed the introduction with a smile, glad that she wouldn't be completely alienated after all. Without thinking much of it, Erin met her hand to his and gave it a confident shake. [color=00a651]"Erin! Um, Erin Middaugh. Nice to meet ya, Anton. I'm s'posed to be the designated astrobiologist. I mean, I [i]am[/i] the astrobiologist for this mission thing."[/color] She laughed nervously again, embarrassed to be tripping so easily over her words. [color=00a651]"So, a do-"[/color] “Don’t worry, Doctor. I’m sure none of us bite. I’m Liz.” She jumped, a stifled grunt escaped her throat as the weight of a sudden hand fell upon her shoulder. [color=00a651]"Whoa. Hey there."[/color] Erin pulled her shoulder back instinctively, but immediately felt rude for doing so. [color=00a651]"I'm sorry."[/color] Brows furrowing with worry, she realized that she was blocked in by two strange figures, one with whom she was still holding the hand of.