It had been a week since Marta's birthday, since the last time she saw Ezra and the last time she had contact. Jeremiah hadn't returned with any letters, and Marta suspected he never would again. After the way she acted, she knew he'd punish her and Ezra and cut off all forms of communication. Marta accepted her punishment, but she felt extremely guilty. Her actions had affected Atalia, who didn't receive any letters from Isiah. Marta apologized numerous times, saying she didn't let her anger get to her, but Atalia assured her it was fine. In fact she was glad Marta did because she was scared for her best friend. She knew Ezra was almost to them, and she knew whatever Marta did brought him back. So they suffered in the heart ache together. Mrs. H was taking her routine afternoon nap when there was a knock on the door. Marta and Atalia were sitting at the kitchen table passing time by playing cards. They looked up when they heard the knock, both panicking a little. No one had ever come to the cottage except Jeremiah and he never knocked. Marta looked around, making sure nothing gave away any of their secrets. She reached up and made sure her necklace was tucked safely in her dress. Walking over to the door, she opened it and saw a messenger boy standing there. Marta felt her defenses drop and opened the door a little wider. "Message for Ms. Olive" he said, handing Marta the little manila parcel. Marta thanked him, quickly closing the door behind her and latching the lock. She walked over and handed Atalia the letter. She was curious, hoping Atalia would share who it was from. Marta was still nervous, who had their address? She watched as Atalia opened it, her face lighting up. "It is from Isiah!" Marta felt her pulse quicken. Maybe Ezra had written something in the note too. She watched as Atalia's eyes scanned the party, her frown fading as she did. Marta did not like where this was going. "Ezra is in solitary confinement. He hasn't had any contact with him. He is worried that Ezra is going to lose his mind and kill himself." Marta felt the room begin to spin. This is what she feared after being with Ezra, the torture and punishment he would face. She prayed Jeremiah would someone find a bit of good left in his heart and pity Ezra and not punish him as harshly, but Marta now realize that wasn't the case. Glancing down, Atalia had placed the letter on the table, her eyes staring off into the distance. She was undoubtedly thinking of her dear friend. When she wasn't paying attention, Marta shifted the paper slightly and was able to see the return label from the postal service. Using her photogenic memory, Marta memorized the address. That night, after many tears were shared between the girls, Marta awoke in the middle of the night. She had devised a plan, a crazy one, but one that she felt she had to do. Quietly packing her bag, Marta made sure to bring enough clothes and supplies she could manage to carry. She let Atalia a small note, simply stating she couldn't see around and wait anymore. She knew Atalia would figure it out, she just hoped her friend would keep her secret, maybe even come up with excuses, because once Mrs. H realized she was gone, she would contact Jeremiah. Marta hoped she had enough of a head start. It took nearly 24 hours to make the 5 hour car ride journey. Between the miles walked, and buses she had to take, Marta finally reached the town that the compound was in. She wasn't sure of exactly where it was, but she was hoping to find out. As she walked along the main street of the little rural town, she saw a group of young men walking out of a small diner. They were laughing and goofing off. Their clothes and haircuts were very similar to Ezra's and Marta had a hunch they were part of the resistance. Staying far enough away from them, Marta followed the group of boys as they began their journey north. They entered into some woods, Marta being careful not to step on any branches to make her presence known. By this point, she realized they were drunk and belligerent, which thankfully worked in her favor. As they kept walking, they soon reached a large fence, barb-wired surrounding the top. Marta's eyes widened. This wasn't a camp, this was a prison. She watched as the men at the gate waved at a guard, who let them passed. Marta knew that wasn't an option for her. Turning to the left, she walked a little deeper into the woods until she came up to the fence farther away from the gate. Looking up, she knew there was no way she could climb it. She kept looking around, trying to figure out a way to get in. Noticing a part of the wired fence bent weirdly a few feet away, Marta walked over. There was a part of the fence bent up and Marta realized she should be able to squeeze under. Deciding to leave her bag because if she got caught they would just take it, but if she managed to free Ezra and escape they would at least still have her bag. Once she cleared the fence, Marta kept to the shadows of the buildings and trees that surrounded the area. It looked as if they were set up for war. Tents lined in rows, with larger modular buildings around the perimeter. And in the center there was a large stone structure, what looked to appear to be some kind of fortress from at least a hundred years ago. Marta had a hunch Ezra was being held in there. So she kept low and started working her way to the fortress. When she reached the stone building, she stood against the wall, her heart pounding in her chest. She was completely in the blind and a complete fool for doing this. But too late to turn back. Walking along the building, she was hoping to find an entrance to sneak into. She finally came to a small opening with bars. She wasn't sure if she would fit, but she had to try. It took a bit of struggling, and a lot of scraped skin, but Marta fit. She was now in a dark hallway, the only light coming through the window she just crawled in. She gave her eyes a moment to adjust before she quietly tiptoed down the hall. As she was about to turn a corner, she heard voices, so she stayed back, pressing her body fully against the wall in hopes to make herself invisible. The footsteps eventually passed and Marta let out a sigh. She glanced around the corner and saw the cost was clear. As she was about to take a step forward, she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking back, towering over her was Jeremiah. Her eyes widened. She didn't even hear him approach her. Without a word, he reached up and grabbed her by the hair and yanked her. Marta not expecting this, fell to the ground with a yell, trying to reach up and make him let go of her hair. When he reached a door, he threw her in, Marta landing hard on her hands and knees. She stood and turned and looked at him, hatred burning in her eyes. "You made the wrong choice showing up here sweetheart" Jeremiah said, his voice snarling and his eyes darkened with rage. Marta just stood tall, not letting him see the fear that was pulsating through her body. Without another word he slammed the door, hearing the lock latch, and Marta left standing alone. There was a single light bulb in the room and oddly enough a mirror. Marta looked at her reflection for a moment, not recognizing herself, before looking away. Now what was she going to do? She got herself trapped, she would never be able to help Ezra now. An hour passed, then another, before finally the door opened and in walked a large man. He was twice the height of Ezra, and his hair jet black and dark brown eyes. He walked in, carrying a large sack with him. Marta stood, having given in and sat since she was stuck there. He dropped the bag to the ground, and let out a chuckle, but it wasn't a funny chuckle. It was deep and menacing. Marta suddenly feared for her life. The man walked over to her, pinning her against the wall. Marta felt him push his knee between her legs and grabbed her wrists and brought them slamming up above her head. Marta had turned her head, closed her eyes and just began to prayer. She felt him sniffing her hair, his hands large enough that one held both her wrists, while the other began groping down her body, touching her in ways that only Ezra was allowed. Marta squirmed, trying to free herself, but it was useless. He was three times as strong as her. While all of this was occurring, Jeremiah was standing in the adjacent room, looking through the glass. It was a two way mirror. Sitting next to him, tied to a chair and gagged was Ezra. "Look at what happens when you go soft boy. You wanted to protect her, but now it is too late." Back in the other room, the man thankfully stopped groping Marta and dropped her wrists. Marta felt relieved, but it didn't last long. Next thing she knew, she was being slammed to the ground, landing hard on her wrist and feeling a distinct cracking sound. White hot pain spread up her arm, but she didn't have time to register it because she was being pulled up by her hair again and thrown onto a chair. Her ankles and arms bond against the chair, Marta was trapped. Sweat was dripping down her body and her entire core was shaking. She was going to die. The man went over to the bag and pulled out what appeared to be torch. Pulling a lighter out of his bag, he lit the torch on fire before placing it in a sconce on the wall. He then pulled out a long piece of metal pointer, similar to the ones that always stood by the fireplaces in her parents house. On the end, Marta noticed right away that the metal was welded into the shape of a swastika. Her eyes widened, she suddenly put two and two together and she started fighting against the ropes. The man held the pointer over the flame until it became bright red with heat. He walked over, a look of enjoyment on his face. He lifted the sleeve of Marta's dress up, feeling the skin of her forearm. Marta knew what was about to happen and fought with all of her might, but moments later there was a fire burning pain on her arm. The man forced the pointer onto her skinning, smoke forming as Marta's skin began to burn. She let out a piercing scream, the pain ripping through her body. When he was done, the man stepped back and looked at his handy work. Marta had tears streaming from her face, her body gone limp. If she wasn't tied to the chair, she would have fallen to the ground. The man noticing this, reached up and back handed her so hard Marta's head whipped to the side and blood came splattering out of her mouth. She was more alert again and watched the man walk back over to the fire. "Please .. no not again!" she cried out, begging for mercy.