Blue eyes watching the girl intently, never leaving the preys form as the human seemed to accidentally dug their dagger deeper into a tree. Obviously losing any slim chance of defending herself. Each moment, her massive black form padded closer, a low growl rumbling in her chest. Zari watched the fear and disbelief appear in this girl's face as she took a few fearful steps backwards. Why? Did she not believe the tales of the villagers? What a shame... Coming here without realizing the rumors we're true. Now, her life was the price of this tragic mistake. Just then, the human's instinct kicked in and she took flight. Perhaps thinking inside the wolf could be outsmarted. Fool... Many have thought that, brave knights have come and tried and died. In a swift motion, the werewolf took off after the human, easy keeping up and staying within sight. Werewolves could easily outrun horses, so she really didn't have to move fast to keep up with a apparently groomed human girl. Still, she would follow and block this new prey from escaping though the forest stretched for miles. The human girl would never be able to make it, Zari doubted at least. However, the human girl's panic got the better of her and she made a mistake. Tripping and falling down a hill, Zari watched as the human landed roughly below before padding carefully to the bottom and stalking closer. Right up until she was right next to her. Giving another growl at the human girl, curling her lips and lowering her ears. Though she stopped when she noticed the tears, ears perking slightly. It was probably cruel do toy with her, so perhaps she should just end this? Slowly, she loomed over the human, paws moving to pin down the arms. Baring her teeth slightly as she prepared to bite. Perhaps the final blow... At least make it as quick and painless as possible. Yeti she still found herself hesitating. Women and children were always the hardest to kill.... Even most times she allowed children to go. This girl didn't seem to have intention in actually hunting her,,, but she was old enough to know what she was. Or what she thinks she was...