[center] [h1] [color=crimson]HUNTED[/color][/h1] [img]http://kingofwallpapers.com/jungle/jungle-005.jpg[/img] still under construction to become more clear [h3]D A Y ONE: Humid morning with clear skies[/h3] [/center] [hr][color=OrangeRed][h3]Story[/h3][/color] We [i]were[/i] once human. We were people going about our daily lives. We had family and friends, spouse or a romantic interest. walking down the street, sitting down in a desk, or working at a job, just going about our lives. That was, until it was stripped from us. Plucked from our lives like a flower from the ground. They took us away from everything that we knew or held dear to us. Bound and tied up like a pig being prepped for the oven. Injecting us with a compound that morphed our genetic structure. They changed us, so they could justify their way, and by their way I mean kill us if the injection hasn’t killed us first. They hunt us down like savage animals for sport. If you're lucky, you will be one of the few "changed" people who could be accounted as rare and caught for the enjoyment of the hunters, or if your morph is common, you are as good as dead. If you are extremely unlucky, they won’t kill you right away but make you wish you were dead. With our eyes blinded by a sack over our heads and our hands bound, the hunters crammed us in the back of a carrier truck and transported us deep into the Amazon jungle. This is where the end of the life we once knew disappears and the beginning of a strange new world. Where the common standard is run or die. Kill or be killed. What happens when we get to our destination? What will we turn out to be? What will become of our old life? Can we ever escape this nightmare? [color=crimson][center][b]Morphing hasn't happened as of yet, injections has occur but the change isn't rapid. It happens over a course of six days from common to rare morphs. If they are new morphs[s] Applies only to new morphs[/s][/b][/center][/color][hider=Spots] -New Morphs(Just barely arrive in the Jungle) -Olds Morphs(Playing this hunting game for awhile now) -Hunter(Red to Green threat levels)[/hider] [hr][color=OrangeRed][h3]Morphs[/h3][/color][center] Morphs are based off animals. Animals have very unique traits and abilities that humans don't possess. The more animal the Morph, the more animalistic he or she becomes. Abilities are based off traits: structure determine function(simple biology) [/center] [hider= Common Morphs] [b]Common Morphs(1 or 2 traits and at most 1 ability):[/b] Traits: * Fangs or talons * Patches of fur, scales, or etc. * Possible gill formation * Ear changes and tail formation * ???(ask if you have an idea) Ability: - Enhanced reflexes - One enhanced sense - Regulates body temperature in extreme environment - Underwater breathing -??? Behavior: 1. Tendencies for becoming nocturnal/despises light or day morph who stays hidden during night 2. Prey or Predator behavior [/hider] [hider= Uncommon Morphs] [b]Uncommon Morphs(3 traits and at most 2 abilities):[/b] 1. Any common traits and at least one... Traits: * Skin changes are greater but does not cover whole bodies * Wing formation or horn formation * Limb transformation *??? Ability: - Ability to fly, Run fast, or jump higher - Superior strength or hard skull -Slight Body armor - ??? Behavior: 1. Animistic behavior increases 2. Survival instinct kicks in more 3. Becoming less human 3. Includes common behavior[/hider] [hider= Rare Morphs] [b]Rare Morphs(5 Traits and at most 3 Abilities):[/b] 1. Any above traits(Common or uncommon) and at least one… Traits: * Complete skin transformation * Bone spikes(exoskeleton) * Added organs and/or limbs: heart, eye, arms, or etc(Does not include a tail) * Change in shape/structure *??? Ability: - Enhanced body armor - Secretions or acidic blood - Asks if you have an idea Behavior: 1. Survival instinct at the max meaning wants are diminish to none and needs are all that's left (food, water, shelter, reproduce) 2. Human behaviors are basically zero if not none at all 3. Includes common and uncommon behaviors [/hider][hr][h3][color=OrangeRed]Outline[/color][/h3][hider= Outline] Outline may be short but gives enough detail about character's morph and all required fields filled out [center]*Photo*(May be before morph or after) Name: Nickname:(Soon-to-be or from previous life) Age||Height||Weight:(This is based on after the morph) Biography/Personality: (May be brief or extensive: At least include background and if the morph is new or old) Morphology:(Includes Traits, Abilities, and Behaviors)(Not for Hunters) Threat Level:(Red is highest to Green the lowest)(Not For Morphs) Appearance:(Based on Morph and/or anything else you want to add) Specialization/Skills:(If applicable: Must be stated if they have it, otherwise they don't know it) Strengths/Weakness: (Not needed:Included in Bio) Health Issues:(If applicable) Relationship/family:(Not needed:included in Bio) Other:(If applicable)[/center] Outlines can be updated until the fifth day of the start of the Rp or creation of the character. After than there will be a final copy of all the characters on a Doc. Any added Skills and such will be disregarded unless you come talk to me directly. This is to hinder any problems of character miraculously knowing how to do a skill and being added later just to argue it's been there from the start. [/hider] ---- ---- Basically what this role play would be about is the character(s) slowly losing their sense of self, state of being, and state of mind. They can either come to terms with their new selves or come to hate who they become. The character(s) ideals, actions, and behaviors would be challenged by the hunter(s) and themselves. Death is part of this roleplay but it depends on the interactions between the type of hunter and the type of morph. If interactions can't be determine by both parties-either they both can't agree or they don't know- a roll of dice will determine how it goes. I am not a person who likes one-liners but I do have troubles and bouts of laziness when it comes to longer and descriptive posts. So, as long as you aren't an one-liner and have clarity, you are welcome to join. Rules being adapted. -Just remember that the word 'and' can mean both or one of them. Than the word 'or' means one or the other. -If you create a morph and don't know which category to place it in because of different changes rather than what is listed, I'll be happy to help. -Abilities are close to realistic. Think of it as animals' cool abilities. That meaning, no fire breathing or telekinesis. Sorry! [s]Disregard my failure to make the post pretty[/s]