Ezra had been sleeping on the cold floor when arms yanked him up and began to shake his shoulders. His head snapped back and forth until his eyes opened slowly. It'd been days since he ate and he could feel his body growing weaker by the second. Isiah tried to sneak him food, but Ezra told him it was too risky. He prayed that he would let Marta know that he hadn't forgot about her when he wrote to Atalia. "We have a surprise for you," Jeremiah said as he forced Ezra into the chair and tied his arms down. He put an old rag in his mouth to muffle any yells and taped it to his face. By this time Ezra's heart began to beat rapidly and he tried to glance around for an escape, but Jeremiah held his head forward with his hands. He felt too weak to struggle so he readied himself for whatever he was about to see. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust but when he saw her his heart sank. She'd been foolish enough to try and come for him. He closed his eyes and forced his head down, but the man pulled it back up. "Watch it all Ezra," he said with a laugh. Ezra sat there as one of the men began to force himself onto Marta. He tried to yell out but the gag in his mouth muffled any noise. He struggled with the ropes around his wrist, they began to bite into his skin drawing blood. He could see the terror in her eyes and his body began to shake with anger. His blood was starting to boil and he began to fight back at Jeremiah but his efforts seemed useless. It wasn't until he saw the man about to brand her that his strength came together and the muscles he'd neglected began to work. He started kicking and thrusting his body around until Jeremiah couldn't handle him anymore. His face was low enough for Ezra to head butt him and when Jeremiah fell the chair did too causing one of the arm rest to snap. Ezra slid the rope off his hand and then untied the other. He removed the tape from his mouth and spit out the rag. His eyes were filled with rage and he wanted blood. He tried to open the door but Jeremiah had locked it from the inside. He went over to the man he had once seen as his uncle and straddled him. "GIVE ME THE KEYS YOU BASTARD!" he yelled. When all the man did was laugh Ezra punched him in the face. The more he laughed the harder Ezra let his first fall until he was banging the older mans head against the pavement and his body was covered in blood. He heard the smash of the skull and suddenly Jeremiah went quiet and his body stopped movie. Ezra used a shaky hand to feel for a pulse, but found none. He crawled off the body and began searching for keys until his stomach couldn't take it anymore. He began to vomit everything his body left in its system and then the rest of it was just stomach acid. He began to dry heave as he found the keys attached the belt loop and he walked over to the door on trembling legs. He looked back into the mirror and saw the man about to brand Marta again. She was crying and his anger began to grow once more. When he finally made it to the room the iron was ready to touch her skin. He grabbed the boy by his shoulders and yanked him back to the ground forcing the object out of his hand. The two boys fell to the ground as Ezra yelled out in anger. He could hear Marta's cries which made him fight even harder. He was doing all this to protect her and he refused to fail. The boy was on top of him and he brought his hands up to guard his fast, but the kid was stronger in this position. After struggling and a few blows to head Ezra managed to maneuver himself so that he was on top. His hands found their way to the boys throats and he began to strangle him. "You will never touch her again. You will never touch anyone again," Ezra said through clenched teeth as the life began to fade from the boys eyes. His spit began to fall on the kids face and he barley heard Isiah when he came running in. "Ezra! Ezra! He's dead!" Isiah said yanking his friend off the lifeless corps. Ezra swung at Isiah who managed to barley dodge it. Before he knew it Isiah wasn't holding Ezra's arms at his sides trying to calm him. "Ezra, calm down. I need you to come back. Come back to me and Marta. She's safe now. You did your job. You succeeded," Isiah said as he glanced at Marta who seemed to scared to speak at the moment. "Marta...Isiah," Ezra whispered as he looked at his hands stained in fresh blood. He had blood that wasn't his on his face and shirt and he could taste his own in his mouth. "I...I couldn't stop...I...what...what have I done Isiah...I killed them both." Isiah let him go and went to untie Marta unsure of what to say. This would either work in Ezra's favor or it would be the death of all three of them. "Marta...are you okay?" Isiah asked once he realized Ezra was still in shock unable to think or say anything besides how he killed both Jeremiah and his comrad.