-constructing [h2]Side Characters/NPC[/h2] [hider=Hunter NPC] [center][h3]Hunter NPC[/h3] Hunter NPCS’ may be taken control of unless someone else already has control of the NPC General information is given for how they react. NPC can’t be killed right off the bat. They aren’t dumb hunters. [/center] Hunter Nil: Threat level Green Hunter Smith: Threat Level Green Hunter Vex: Threat Level Green Hunter Seraph: Threat level light orange Hunter Lance: Threat Level Orange Hunter Aegis: Threat Level Orange Hunter Phantom: Threat Level Red [hider=Nil] Nil: -Carries a shotgun -Arrogant, hubris, cocky [/hider] [hider=Smith]Smith -Traps, hunting rifle - Tendency to capture and release [/hider] [hider=Vex]Vex -Carries hunting sword, sling shot/sling -Unsure, lowest accuracy [/hider] [hider=Seraph] Seraph -Carries .22 Long Rifle rimfire -Mean and nasty[/hider] [hider=Lance] Lance -Carries large bore air rifle and revolvers -Snarky, cunning, and strong [/hider] [hider=Aegis] Aegis -308 Winchester large rifle standard-centerfire rifle, Dogs -Serious and clever[/hider] [hider=Phantom] Phantom -Sniper rifle, hunting, with silencer -military background, excellent camouflage skills [/hider] [/hider]