Bob felt time slow down, as a voice rang out over the town. Lightning, the fastest moving force alive, was moving at a snails pace. Whoever this person was, they demanded attention. He felt compelled to look at the group of hooded mages. Of all the things to want, they wanted the dead elf. No one should be worth this much attention, did he miss something? They just calmly walked up and took Stride's body away. The reminder that the town was angry didn't faze Bob. He was more concerned with who these people were. The open invitation to follow was too tempting, it was far better than this group anyways. Bob was the first to respond, never one to know when to stop talking. He looked at his so called teammates, they were certainly destructive, the only one not reeking of odor or rage was the spider. [color=92278f]"Hey spider, you joining or what? You are the only one to not go blindly attacking others. Might want to move before you end up being torn apart by these two. Seeing as you are tolerable, I'll give you that tip."[/color] He gave a smirk, now he was getting out of here before someone tried touching his armor again. He gave a small hop, and everything clanked against each other. the poor battery was still trying to keep up, more smoke pouring off his back. He went to a jog to keep up with the strange mages. Stride didn't matter, just a dumb half elf who challenged an orc. He didn't know the details, nor did he care. Besides, between the two group members and a quickly growing anger from the crowd. Which, he did not destroy, for the record. He would take the strange new people over the current situation right now. He tested his luck more by talking while he walked with the mages. [color=92278f]"Hey, who do you think you are to take a dead body? That saliva could be great for science, but you don't see me going out of my way for it. Where are you going anyways? There is nowhere so important you need to slow time just for a retrieval job."[/color]