[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Atticus Pearson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://im.ziffdavisinternational.com/ign_fr/screenshot/default/giphy_mmuf.gif[/img][hr][b][color=fff79a]Location:[/color][/b]Outside The Ship[hr][/center] Atticus had made his way outside after cleaning up in his quarters for a time. Seeing the Mule was back and not hearing any screaming as he walked outside did him some good. Hopefully nothing else was going to go wrong. Looking around at the bodies he sighed to himself. Death was never a pretty thing but it was part of life. He wasn't going to let the bodies rot out there, they needed to be put to rest properly in his mind. Taking out his bible, the worn leather cracked in the sun he glanced up as he head Gene's ship pull up and off Vengeance. [color=fff79a]"Just where is that woman off to this time?"[/color] he muttered to himself. They had been on Whitefall all day, where was she flying to and why right now? Their Captain had nearly died, people tried to kill the crew, the ship was shot up, and she was just heading off like that? He hoped she had spoken with the Captain before she left otherwise he knew it wasn't going to be a pretty scene. Shaking the though out of his mind he went back to his task at hand, putting the souls off the assholes that had shot at them to rest. It would take some time because he hadn't gotten a lot of a chance to get started before he had had to lug Brutus's body into the ship. [color=fff79a]"Gorham!"[/color] he exclaimed as he kicked the ground. He left Brutus's body in the medical bay. Turning he matched back into the ship to go retrieve the corpse. He seriously doubted that Dorthy wanted the damn thing rotting in her infirmary.