[quote=@Frau Koujiro] I'm new and all but if that's fine then I'm interested. Here's a CS. [hider=Room 7's Occupant] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/bhhaC5O.png[/img][/hider] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Maurice Brown [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 27 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] Despite his wild looks he's a salaryman who works in a neighboring city. He's not a company owner but his wages are fairly high nevertheless, which allows him to commute from Maple Apartment even though it's rather far away. He's also a serial killer, but unfortunately not an alien. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] A charismatic man with both competence and sociability. He's light-hearted and polite, meticulous but not strict. He pays his bills on time and greets his neighbors. He participates in local activities as long as they don't require too much stamina. He may be a little behind on technology, owning a cheap laptop he uses mostly for work but in general he's a jolly person who spends most of his free time relaxing. However he's also a killer who targets people he suspects to be aliens in disguise. He's actually quite paranoid and has come to believe aliens have secretly blended into modern society and has taken up arms(oftentimes a kitchen knife) to defend mankind from them. He keeps his kills as far away from his apartment room as possible in order to avoid suspicion. Likewise he's decided not to harm anyone in Maple 801 - 101's vicinity. He's aware one of the residents is a detective but he's confident he can keep his obsession hidden well enough. He has a number of alien-related books along with several dangerous-looking tools hidden somewhere in his rather small room, and would do absolutely anything to keep them that way. [b][u]Background:[/u][/b] He watched too much television as a kid, and an occult show scared him. Later when he began working he became convinced one of his co-workers was an alien and after much thought disposed of him. His irregular killing spree began soon after that. [b][u]Room Number:[/u][/b] 7 [/hider] Not sure if having a serial killer character is too dark but I thought throwing someone like that in could make things pretty wild. [/quote] The quality is exceptionally good but it might be a tad bit dark ^-^;;; Maybe he could act paranoid and comically serious (or maybe humorously violent thoughts could work too) to extremely epic extents around weird people, but killing is a bit dark for something like this <.<;;; I like where it's going tho! It could just use a bit of a tweak to fit into the RP