[h3]Charles Balderdash and Shanon[/h3] “Very good.” Shanon grinned happily at the lovely and neat stitching. “Twain Friend better sew than I.” Charlese, standing on the other side of the room from the horrifying creature, frowned with confusion fairly certain he could hear it purring. Charles did not like this new arrival one bit mainly because how freakish it looked. At least Vaughtar had the decency to look semi-normal like a regular creature, Shanon on the other hand didn’t. Charles also knew that to think and feel such things was entirely illogical but it didn’t help all that much. However, given that she was able to carrying Vaughtar back with little trouble along with Wolfe and Natasha, to say that she was strong would be a bit of an understatement. “So you all found…Shanon, over by the snow drift and were attacked by some smaller creatures. Correct?" Charles jotted down the details leaving those by Shanon to converse by themselves. “Maybe those creatures were why we haven’t seen any Cultists around? Shanon here must’ve been able to survive here until now, maybe there are even a few other other-worlders out in the snow or the nearby towns…” Charles wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand while he didn’t wish for harm upon any stranded Other Worlders the idea of them interacting with the general population didn’t exactly make him feel any better about their situation. “Ariel, did you uh…smell any other out there?” He was attempting to be polite. “Darcy Lost, or Shanon lost.” Shanon chewed a claw evidently in great thought. “There big storm, Darcy go find safe place but Darcy no come back.” Shanon whimpered quietly and looked very worried, obviously distraught at the idea of Darcy being in trouble. As Shanon spoke she had cast numerous glances at the weapons the humans, or human looking, had on them. She knew all too well the damage they could do. “Might find Agents or shadows! Friends must find Darcy, Darcy in not Russia; many trees and warm” Shanon attempt explain with vague, creaking gestures of where she had last seen her friend. “No smell in Bad Place, no smell here.”