[quote=@Keyenpeydee] Yey! I'm new to this site, How do I put it? Do I repost on that tab? [/quote] Yup. If you want to you can put it in a hider (tho it's not necessary) It looks like the code below these words! vvvv [code][hider=(name of the hider)] (insert content here) [/hider][/code] Refer to the Formatting Cheatsheet under the Reply box, that provides a lot of codes. xD [hr] [quote=@Frau Koujiro] Righto, here's a revision then. [hider=Room 7's Occupant] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/bhhaC5O.png[/img][/hider] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Maurice Brown [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 27 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] Despite his wild looks he's a salaryman who works in a neighboring city. He's not a company owner but his wages are fairly high nevertheless, which allows him to commute from Maple Apartment even though it's rather far away. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] A charismatic man with both competence and sociability. He's light-hearted and polite, meticulous but not strict. He pays his bills on time and greets his neighbors. He participates in local activities as long as they don't require too much stamina. He may be a little behind on technology, owning a cheap laptop he uses mostly for work but in general he's a jolly person who spends most of his free time socializing and reading. However he's also quite paranoid and is under the belief that aliens have secretly blended into modern society, and has taken up arms to defend mankind from them. He has a stockpile of occult-ish books written on the subject, and a variety of survival kits and self-defense tools he's prepared in case he encounters one, hidden somewhere in his room. He's quite a survival nut, in other words. He'd be out in the streets actively hunting aliens now but he subconsciously realizes he's still too weak to deal with them and thus, is still waiting for his time to shine. He knows that his level of paranoia is rather unnatural and will do anything to hide this truth from other people, going to extreme measures if he must. [b][u]Background:[/u][/b] He watched too much television as a kid, and an occult show scared him. Later when he began working he became convinced one of his co-workers was an alien and began to avoid him. Ever since, his irregular life as a (faux) alien hunter began. [b][u]Room Number:[/u][/b] 7 [/hider] [/quote] I love it! You can post it in the Character tab now. xD [hr] I intend on working out some aesthetics for the RP and updating rules to clarify how to post in Maple Neighborhood, as the Episodic system is a bit of an odd one even for a slice-of-life genre. Bear with me! I'm always active even if I answer to things a bit late.