[@Wick] Hachi let himself be put on the bench and took the items he shrugged. [color=pink]"I don't mind...thank you"[/color] he wrapped up his ankle as if he had done that before. He then sat back on his hands and tilted his head. [color=pink]"you know I'm fairly certain this is the most I've ever socialized with other people."[/color] Jasper sat next to his brother and nodded. [color=orange]"It is because for some reason you get all nervous around people."[/color] Hachi huffed. Jasper stuck his tongue out at his brother then looked at violet. [color=orange]"What do you want to do?"[/color] Hachi glanced at violet with curiosity. Usually that question started sparring...since Jasper was usually all to eager to do so. To Hachi, violet didn't seem quite the type for spontaneous sparring, but then again he could be wrong.