[hider=Fortress] [Center] *Photo* [img] http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M4569b167892558ec4c50dc7e92e3beebo0&pid=15.1[/img] Name: Erin Fairbanks Nickname: Fortress |Age-18||Height-6'8"||Weight-216 lbs| Biography/Personality: Erin is a rather strange girl that was already a recluse before the hunters abducted her and injected her with Pangolin Serum, she has been through hell and back over the 3 years as what they would describe as a "rare" Morph. She can barely remember the days before the change and refuses to completely forget herself completely, she recalls he name occasionally and her age but most 8 there things are lost to the poor girl. She can usually be found hanging from trees curled tightly into a armored ball or wandering the site looking for food and the such while keeping out of site and mind of the hunters even though her armor would be worth a great deal if they could break through it. She rarely leaves her area and hides very well being a very shy and protective to keep herself safe. As long as nothing is hostile to her, she will be just as calm being the biggest thing in the jungle at the moment and not really being able to be hurt. She doesn't remember much and fine details escape her. Morphology: Erin is a "Rare" Morph of the defensive Pangolin. Her transformation was a rather explosive one at first as thick scale plates as song as a magnesium alloy formed over her arms, back, legs, chest, stomach, and head to form a suit of armor that prevents small caliber firearms from injuring her. After the armor came the long talons that grew in much slower than her previous change but still rather quickly. Her 4'5" armored tail grew in along with the Claws and became her shield as well as an extra arm to her as it became stronger and more defined. Erin's whole body became strengthened and her armored forearms and lower legs thickened to almost twice the size to support her. Obviously she has enhanced body armor thanks to the injection and along with the armor came a drastic increase in strength. She also gained the curious power to slightly alter the texture and change the color of the scales to help her blend in and deflect higher caliber bullets. There Appearance: Erin doesn't wear anything other than a pair of torn jeans and a brown bikini for modesty even though her most important parts are covered by her usual black scales and plates with gold edges. Her blonde hair is down to her shoulder blades and the edges are tipped with armored black quills that although look cool don't add any defensive abilities. [hider=Armor] [img] http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/84/6c/05/846c0512977e6c50b08630eb16cc948b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Tail] [img] http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M3646228e0851852f41abb2616af67052o0&pid=15.1[/img] [/hider] Specialization/Skills: Digging and protecting herself Also since she has been shot at with a full arsenal she is able to identify round type in guns from sound and smell. Strengths/Weakness: Strong, protective, has a slow metabolism / rather slow, low manual dexterity, bulky. Health Issues: none, she is as fit as a fiddle Relationship/family: None that she can remember Other: Is an omnivore so she eats everything she can.... when she is hungry. Fortress is the easiest to keep track of in the jungle unless she is actually hiding. She will shed her scales once a year and store them in her "nest" underground like sort of castle. Her living armor scales are much stronger than the dead ones. has accidentally killed 6 hunters [/Center] [/hider]