[hr]Grand Parade A group of skilled artists who are in direct contact to the Divas and Ilunabar. Their mission is to spread culture and beauty, most of the time traveling from town to town, telling tales and playing songs on the way. However, at times, they are commissioned higher projects, such as monument building. [hr]The Wanderers A group created by Susa in northern mesathalassa. Originally a group of skilled hunters, who after meeting the original great huntress again turned its focus on exploration, self-improvement and map making. Could be described as similar to a guild. [hr]Innkeepers After the horde displaced most established tribes, most travelers, and hunters going trough the wilderness of southern mesathalassa started to gather at fortified keeps. These keeps, in turn, became a collective, with a communication link created by a secretive proto-written language. They keep and share information about all the guests. [hr]The Halagan Shamanistic Tradition The main branch of Shamanism in the human side of Mesathalassa, with its roots in the cavernous mountains of the center of the region (called Halagan by humans). While having a deep root within the Slough worship of all Shamans, they also incorporate aspects of Teknall's Chippers (Village-based service), Astarteic magic, Elemental worship and more recently, Dream communication with Jakketerreng. (The Hunting Ground region of Pictaraika) The group has strict rules, the most well-known one is that its members must not have sexual relationships and never have children. They cooperate with the Innkeepers in exchange for access to their archives.