[hider=Dreamweaver] Description: Crafted with a twig from Slough and a string from the Codex this harp was used by Ilunabar to make dreams something beyond a bunch of electrons in a person's mind. After the Codex was used to create the universe the Harp became bound to Ilunabar but most of its divinity are gone. It can be used to create music and to channel Ilunabar's powers but it doesn't hold any extraordinary powers. During the creation of the Pictaraika, the Dreamweaver exploded with energy and evolved into the odd dreamlayer called the orgel. Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/kPUkdMN.png?1[/img] [/hider] [hider=Ring of Blooming] Description: A ring imbued with Ilunabar’s powers so Meimu could create more diverse flowers. Once that mission was complete the Ring crumbled into dust. Appearance: A simple band of silver and copper [/hider] [hider=Lifprasil's Almanac] Description: A simple guide to Galbar which bases itself on the book of creation but instead focuses on what has transpired since the creation of the world. [/hider]