[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/fcce192df3c79f52255310331a42de6f/tumblr_oee0si8UGw1s2e5kto1_400.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][h2]Listen to Teacher[/h2][/center] With the death of General Sjörn finally arriving the motherland of Saurilia, grief comes to many of the high ranking officials with of the government who worked with the man. The Saurilian Army Bureau reaches it to promising candidates as a replacement for the late General Sjörn, only looking within the officers academy for ace students or veterans who have entered after their service. They find a mister Colbert Runesen, a veteran of the army, who was a promising individual with acceptable test results. The only sensible thing was to pit this man against one of the former generals in a game of chess, multiple drawn-out games of chess. [center][img]http://www.wyedeanstores.com/image/blogs/original-use-of-a-lanyard/soldiers-uniform-lanyard.jpg[/img][/center] After many bourse of many drawn out games, Colbert Runesen had prevailed and claimed his title as Commander of the 2nd Saurilian Armed Forces and was immediately sent to the city of Lobrand. There he would join be introduced to his staff and some of the soldiers that would be serving under him, though it would be soon found that this man would not care about using underhanded tactics or not when in one of the trainings the new Commander had beaten a Luitenant by sacrificing many of his men in the training to achieve victory. [hider=Militarism] 6 militarism spent on Commander Runensen in Lobrand (56. Brilliant. Immoral.) [/hider]