[quote=deadlyfairy13] @DervishI hear handsanitizer is not very good for you. Something about bad germs and the good ones too I think. I still use it but not much.@KagaI have a coworker that is like that. every 7 years he said he gets sick or so. He got sick this year and its suppose to last 2 weeks.@GrieverI havent taken antibiotics for years I think. I usually just wait it out and drink orange juice along with taking over the counter stuff. My dad made me a hot tottie last time. They dont work and tea has yet to work but it always feels nice to have it. Also dont you have to have sex to get that or whatever? Yeah I know Im innocent for my age but still doubt it.@ImANargleHunterSpecial as in? More evil? Long lasting? @idlehandsThats great and all but I think that would be my last resort. I dont want a shot unless it will last me like ten years. I dont like needles but I am warming up to them gradully. They dont have to call my dad to scare me anymore. [/quote] Just different. It's only dangerous because your body hasn't been able to build up antibodies for it yet. And a fever is always dangerous.