Marta stood by Ezra's side, doing her best to appear strong and able. This was her place. She was meant to be by Ezra's side as he lead all of these men back on the right path. She watched in admiration as all the men stood and declared their loyalty to Ezra. He was a true leader, which in turn, made Marta a leader in a sense. She knew she would never make any crazy big decisions, but she was prepared to be there for Ezra in anyway possible. She would listen to him if he needed to rant, she would hold him if the stress became too much, she would give him her body to help forget for a brief moment, to share that time with just one another. She was his support system, and she would never stop. It took a few weeks, but Ezra and herself gained back their physical strength. Marta was grateful when they medic team finally put a real cast on her, it hid the image that was burned onto her skin temporarily, but eventually it came off and she would feel nauseous every time she looked at it. She went into town one day and was able to buy a few dresses with long sleeves to cover it, and if she ever work anything that didn't, she bought a large cuff bracelet to hide it. She hated it, but she couldn't deny, both their scars bonded Marta and Ezra together more. They would see them on one each other as they lay together naked in bed after making love. They were reminders to stay on the right path. Atalia had been brought to the compound, Marta glad to have her friend back, and another female around. Being in a predominantly male population was a big intimidating... and smelly. While Ezra and Isiah were off training and having meetings about strategy, Marta and Atalia would busy themselves. They were discretely training themselves, both agreeing they needed to build up their strength. Nothing near as intense as the man, but they took to jogging together around the perimeter of the fence. And Ezra had brought a few weights back into their room so they could build muscle. Becoming the new leader did have a few perks, Ezra and Isiah were given the large rooms within the fortress. Atalia continued to stay in her own bedroom, right across from Isiah's, but still separate. Marta and Ezra contemplated being proper and sleeping in other beds, but they couldn't even make it the first night. Marta ended up in Ezra's bed barely an hour after going to bed. She couldn't sleep without being in his arms. It had been a few months and progress was slow, but the Resistance was doing their best. They recruiting new men every day, some coming to the compound, others acting as scouts spread throughout the country. All of them, old and new, respected Ezra. No one cared his age, and most have come to accept Marta. Some, especially the older men, would still give her strange looks. Marta still had every intention of converting, but it seemed to be put on the back burner while Ezra was busy being leader. Summer had come, the heat making it hard for Marta to continue to wear long sleeves, but she didn't mind the cuff as much. Atalia even purchased one herself and they wore them as a sign of their bond and friendship. Marta loved Atalia like the sister she never had. It was mid-afternoon, lunch had just ended in the mess hall. Usually after lunch, Ezra would being in strategy meetings and her and Atalia would find a way to occupy themselves. She turned to Ezra, who was sitting next to her at the lunch table. "See you at dinner?" she asked smiling gently. She assumed he would be leaving for the meetings like always, but today would be different. Ezra had a surprise.