[B]Username:Vas Khaleen [/B] [b]Character Name: Dame.Maygen Yarwyck [/b] (The Fearless) [b]Race/Species:Andred/Human [/b] [b]Gender: Female [/b] [b]Age:42 [/b] [b]Career/Class:Kingsguard/Knight [/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*] Greatsword [*] Survival dagger [*] Bastard sword [/list] [b]Physical Description: Maygen is tall for someone from Andred especially for a woman, standing fully at six feet and two inches with broad shoulders and powerful muscles; weighing in at a hundred and eighty seven pounds. Her hair is coal black and cut above her ears in a somewhat messy manner, her eyes matching the coal black of her hair with two different sized pupils upon close examination. Maygen is a veteran of many wars, as well as an incredibly deadly single combatant in duels not to say she doesn't bleed like anyone else; which is evident by the long scar which she carries from her collar bone to the navel. A token given to her when she was far younger and much more reckless in training, her face has high well pronounced and dense bone structure with an average sized nose which is slightly crooked to the right from having it broken. [/b] [b]Armor: Maygen wears a suit of full steel plate armor, colored reddish black with a large three pointed crown on the breast plate trimmed in gold; the quality of the armor being next to none as it was given to her on her introduction to the Kingsguard. Her helm is custom made and colored the same reddish black to match her suit, the helm sporting a closed face with a three headed dragon extending upwards from its crest around a half foot tall small rubies set into the eye sockets. Beneath this layer of hardened steel Maygen has a suit of steel mail which wraps around her head in a hood and flows to just below her kneecaps, with one more padded layer of cloth and supple leather to absorb impacts and prevent the metal from chafing her flesh. In total her armor weighs ninety pounds, and her upbringing as a knight and many years experience warring in it has made her much more nimble than one would expect from someone of her stature. [/b] [b]Equipment/Other: Bedroll, basic cooking pot, fire starting flint, maps and charts, whetstone, thirty five gold pieces, ten silver pieces, black stallion warhorse. [/b] [b]Mental Description/Personality: Maygen is incredibly loyal to the King of Andred, having been knighted personally by the King at the age of nineteen; rising to the station of kingsguard after fighting in many more conflicts for her country. Her stature and ruthless nature assisting in gaining the attention of the King, as well as giving her the title of The Fearless; not one to ever flee from a fight without causing significant damage. Maygen is an honorable warrior, as such she will not use poisons, and feels that ranged weapons are the tools of cowardly opponents albeit as a veteran of war she isn't below using tricks and ruthless tactics in battles. [/b] [b]Goals:Maygen was charged by the King to attempt to chart and map out as much of the wild southland as possible, hunting for sources of valuable resources and places for future forts and settlements. [/b] [b]Background/History:Maygen was born to a noble family in Andred, both of her brothers knights before she was; as the youngest child she always looked up to her brothers and father who were powerful warriors in their own right. When she came of the age to hold a sword properly Maygen's father began training her in combat, it became quickly apparent the child was a prodigy of the blade at fifteen she was already matching her brothers and by seventeen she was participating in battle. But beyond her combat training Maygen was a very learned child, reading quite a lot trying to gain as much knowledge as she could; becoming a heavy study in war strategy and the leading of troops in battle. When Maygen was nineteen she was part of a siege against the Ra'sheek rushing headlong and first into a breach in the wall; the city was sacked when the army flooded through. Her bravery and action catching the attention of King Connrad whom attended the siege himself, and knighted the young woman there before the great stone walls of the ruined city. Several years and many crusades later and Maygen was drafted into the Kingsguard a great honor for any knight, this brought great renown to her house being that she was the first woman to be included in the elite group of guards; from then on she protected the King and the royal family, along with leading King Connrad's armies in the field. She was one of the senior most members of the Kingsguard when the King brought the Southlands to her attention, having sent observation crews before only to have the majority never return or return with subpar results; leading to Maygen becoming the King's personally chosen mapper. [/b]