Kalinda smiled slightly at Kyle, accepting his hand. Kyle was goofy, sweet, adorable. He was quirky. he was kind, and she enjoyed his company. She just couldn't put a finger on what it was she liked about him. SHe just did. He was just simply genuine. His emotions, his actions...they weren't made up for appearances. They were just all Kyle. "The cafeteria is the only place to get food, really. The dorms have a kitchen, but I haven't stocked any food yet" She said, leading Kyle back towards the cafeteria, allowing herself to simply bask in the warmth of his emotions. Upon entering the cafeteria, which was just arting to get busy, Kalinda led the way over to the food, grabbing a plate. She studied the selection, frowning slightly, before grabbing a couple of slices of vegetarian pizza, some fries, and grabbed a can of coke, the closest thing to caffine she could see, waiting for Kyle, although she didn't know how he could put in anymore food after the mountain of protein bars he had eaten earlier, before nabbing a table, sitting down gratefully, she bit into a slice of pizza. [@dabombjk]