Kei jerked slightly upwards when the cat spoke, though he realised his hypocrisy in doing so. It would have been more shocking if the walls pulled themselves from the ground, complained about Toshiko's smoke and ran off. He watched the walls quite eagerly. Nothing was going to catch him off-guard now. A few seconds later, he sighed at his own facetiousness. He heard every word of Toshiko's explanation, but it was only now that he begun to think things through. The mere thought of the Daidouji's conflicts with each other made Kei roll his eyes [i]hard[/i]. Mages could hardly get along, but it served them right. A gleeful spread across Kei's face, for all the wrong reasons. Jun's and Mearii's excitement was infectious, and it sort of made Kei want to go to the scene as well. Seeing the upset faces of mages betrayed by other mages sounded like an interesting thing too. "Let's go there, Ando-san," said Kei. The smile on his face was not innocent, but it seemed to matter very little at this point.