[@Holy Soldier] Others have pointed out some pretty marvelous points, but I don't want to come off as dictating how your character works. So I would much prefer if you were to tweak it to your liking, instead of me tellibg you how it should be. So once more, my concerns are twofold: 1) He is currently able to learn a great deal of abilities quickly and essentially risk free 2) The ability to indefinitely store an infinite number of full power abilities right off the bat is simply too strong. As long as you tweak him in such a way that those two concerns are no longer a problem, than he is golden in my books [@Doltboy] This is completely my opinion, but his ability seems more like an Enhancement tham a full on Ability. He's accepted and you're by all means allowed to keep him as is, but you're also welcome to expand upon his Ability if you like as well. [@DeathXtheXTree] I didn't mean for it to sound like it's a problem, I was just trying to help ensure that she didn't feel underpowered. As always, it's your character so you by no means have to take my opinions as law.