[b]Name:[/b] "Elel". [b]Level:[/b] 1. [b]Race:[/b] Elf. [b]Class:[/b] Bandit. [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1/Morning. [b]Location:[/b] The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak. [b]Tagging:[/b] [@Holy Soldier], [@Ayemdar], [@Cyrania], [@Fetzen] [@Raizin]. Elel is never in a very good mood and today is no exception to that rule. She hates going into town, mostly because she interacting with other people, but apparently they were offering some good money at the Greased Oak today so reluctantly Elel was headed that way. Ahead of her, she could see odd people entering the large establishment each one seemed like an interesting character that Elel would hate to interact with. Teamwork is necessary Cary for some of the jobs that are there so Elel is absolutely willing to work on a job with someone if she gets paid, it is just the terrible chit chat before the job that makes her want to jump off a cliff. When she finally entered the tavern and saw the group that was assembled it was nearly laughable. She walked over without a word and sat down in her chair with a thud then kicked her feet up on the table and looked around. The first person that caught Elels eye was the tiny gnome, she looked grumpy already and who doesn't like an angry little person. She followed the gaze of the furious baby sized person to see what she was staring, and that led to the world's ugliest statue. There might not be a better way to describe him, just a giant ugly mess of a creature. She continued to look around the table at the odd characters, but she didn't really care much, she just wanted the gold. So she leaned back in her chair just waiting for the grouping to begin.