[h3][center][color=#BD3EC2]N[/color][color=#B344C2]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]x[/color] [color=#9759C3]A[/color][color=#8E60C4]l[/color][color=#8467C4]i[/color][color=#7B6EC5]g[/color][color=#7275C5]n[/color][color=#687CC6]m[/color][color=#5F83C6]e[/color][color=#5589C7]n[/color][color=#5F83C6]t[/color] [color=#7275C5]C[/color][color=#7B6EC5]e[/color][color=#8467C4]r[/color][color=#8E60C4]e[/color][color=#9759C3]m[/color][color=#A052C3]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]n[/color][color=#B344C2]y[/color][/center][/h3] [sub][@Rtron],[@Lucius Cypher], [@May], & [@Luna][/sub] [center]~~~***Several Weeks Later***~~~[/center] The winding, twisted roads to Craigville were nothing but wrong indentions in the land. Along the weeks’ journey, the drivers were often found bickering among themselves over the path to take and continually disliked Craig’s insistence over one key route. They obviously annoyed by their destination, their eyes always flickering from one direction to the other even when the wagons stopped for breaks. The supplies lasted them well despite the strict rationing. Among the group were donors for the Vampires, volunteers who agreed to brave the trip to ensure the undead students didn’t starve and attack the others for their needs. Many were protected from becoming infected by the very virus thanks to a specialized herb, which sometimes failed, but the process was difficult for some. Gradually the scene turned from sunny and crisp winter to bleak, and dark overcast, adding to the grim mood of the current class. The only positive thing about the abrupt change was that the wagon covers were no longer needed to protect the vampiric students. Traveling through the route leading to Craigville, students watched the landscape twist then become corrupted in the worst way. Few villages laid within this path showing how much damage had occurred to the residents. Many had moved on while those brave souls that remained showed the burden from toiling the land, their hands blistered but little gain was made after the labor. It was as if the land wanted to suck the very life blood out of them and leave nothing behind. Eventually, the wagons grinded to a stop. The drivers moved off their seats and hollered for everyone to dismount, their arm reaching for the pre made packs then passed them off to three students. These students then passed them to each individual and made everyone had the right one. Within each pack was a few days worth of food, spare clothes, weapons, herb kit, and any other belongings unique to their role. Volunteers also had a rune specialized to hang around the neck and designed for sensing Nox creatures. When everyone was set, the drivers hopped back into their wagons and veered their animals about to trot back to the last ranch house for about a few days. Craig explained the volunteers their task again, reminding Athalus he was to stick with the students, during their travel to the town. “Alright, your task as Volunteers is to keep the area we’re working in clear of monsters. I can only multitask so much and my main focus will be on the students. The weapons and runes should help you to kill the Nox creatures, but never stray from the group.” He shifted his attention to his group like a shepherd over his flock. “Cragiville is cursed and it’s people, once normal and healthy, are nothing short of ghost of their former selves. Ghouls. They will devour fresh meat when they can get it so always be aware and on alert.” They just started entering the town’s edge when afternoon crept. Craig directed his class how to set up for the alignment ceremony. A small setting of strange objects were set in the center of a pentagram circle where the students would sit within and brace for what was to come. At the heart, were Craig would sit, were a bottle of animal blood, herbs, fire petals, and several unlighted black candles waiting for a flame. The volunteers were told to scout a few feet from the circle and prevent any nox creatures from interrupting the ceremony or several lives could be lost.