[h3]Round Two - The Route 1 Gang[/h3] [center][img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4177/207658-shot0002.jpg[/img][/center] Mohawk had been engrossed in the battle. Vulpix had thrown a cloth in Marill’s face causing the little girl to cry: [color=00aeef]“Hey!”[/color] Marill pulled at the sopping wet material, trying to get it off. Nidoran had barely managed to stop himself from hitting the tree. He had thrusted out his hands and still smacked into it but with little pain than if he had ran full force. The pokeball Jaden had thrown at Mohawk had completely caught him off guard for he hadn’t been paying attention. The second pokeball Jaden had thrown at Nose Ring was expertly caught, reflexively snatched out of the air before it was thrown on the ground. With a growl, Nose Ring charged Jaden as he drove his shoulder into Mohawk’s stomach, forcing the air out of his diaphragm. Nose Ring snagged the teen by his shoulder, his fingers curling into it like iron bars before his arm snaked around his chest and throat to grasp his opposite shoulder. He jerked Jaden back against his stomach and grasped his arm to keep him from moving too much. Mohawk was staring at the pokeballs that were on the ground, while rubbing the knot on his forehead where the pokeball had struck him. When he realized that no Pokemon were going to emerge, he faced Jaden with an ugly, grit-teeth frown on his face. The boy started monologing again, spouting his bullshit! [color=fff200]“I’m gonna shut you up!”[/color] Mohawk growled and while Nose Ring held Jaden, Mohawk buried his fist into the boy’s stomach. The sudden attack between the humans caused Nidoran and Marill to turn toward them, eyes wide in surprise. They listened as Jaden continued to shout his beliefs despite the pummeling he was receiving for them. Nidoran frowned. For some reason, it bothered him to watch the trainer get beat by the two larger humans. It didn’t feel right and it didn’t seem fair. He glanced over at Marill, watching her frown with tears building in her eyes. He could tell that she didn’t like the violence. Gijinka were the ones who normally fought, but to see humans fighting each other…it just felt wrong. Frowning, Nidoran charged Mohawk before he could swing at Jaden again. His hard head smashed into the man’s stomach, adding another blow on top of the blow he had received moments ago. Mohawk gasped and flew back off his feet to land on his bum and roll across the ground. Marill’s cheeks puffed up and she spat a stream of water at Nose Ring’s face, causing him to recoil and release Jaden. The two thugs were stunned and staring wide-eyed at the two Pokemon that stepped forward to protect the trainer. [color=662d91]“Are you all right?”[/color] Nidoran asked Jaden, while he kept an eye on the two thugs. Marill stuck her tongue out at Nose Ring as he growled at her. [color=fff200]“You stupid monsters. This was your chance to have a master. Now you’ll go back to being alone and wild! I would have made you strong!”[/color] Mohawk roared with his arm still holding his aching stomach. Nidoran tensed a little at the thug’s declaration. Deep down, he feared never seeing Tommy again, but then he figured it was better than working for bandits. Meanwhile, Bat Man and Bouffalant were staring in confusion at the events that had transpired between Nose Ring and Mohawk. Gripping his bat, Bat Man ordered to the buffalo Pokemon, [color=gray]“Come on. Looks like we have some rebels.”[/color] Bouffalant smirked and followed his new master over to Jaden, Nidoran, and Marill. [hr] [hr] [b]Nidoran[/b] Nature: Adamant Level: 1 Health 58 Attack 64 Defense 46 Sp. Atk 45 Sp. Def 46 Speed 56 [b]Marill[/b] Nature: Sassy Level: 1 Health 83 Attack 26 Defense 56 Sp. Atk 26 Sp. Def 56 Speed 45 [b]Bouffalant[/b] Nature: Naughty Level 1 Health 108 Attack 118 Defense 102 Sp. Atk 46 Sp. Def 101 Speed 62 [b]Jaden v. Nose Ring & Mohawk[/b] Vulpix v. Marill & Nidoran Jaden used Charge on Mohawk! [color=red][b]Hit![/b][/color] (Jokes) [hr] [hr] Luvdisc was already racing toward Honedge when she leapt toward him for the tackle. The girl passed through him as though he were a…[i]ghost[/i] and squeaked as she went rolling across the ground. She curled her legs against her chest and grasped them as she went rolling comically before she stopped with her legs stretched out and dizzy swirls rotating in her eyes. [color=f6989d]“Waaah! No fair! My tackle had no affect on you!”[/color] she whined, kicking her feet like a temperamental child. Mullet’s right eye twitched when he saw Luvdisc sitting on her rump and fussing like a kid. His upper lip cocked, his irritation clearly visible. Stomping his foot and shaking a fist at her, he screamed: [color=a0410d]“Get up you whiny brat! The battle ain’t over!”[/color] Luvdisc puffed out her cheeks and pouted over her shoulder at her trainer. [color=f6989d]“You’re a meanie! I don’t like you!”[/color] she closed her eyes tight and yelled back. Mullet went red in the face. [color=a0410d]“You think I care whether you like me or not, you little bitch!”[/color] Luvdisc’s fists went to her eyes as she started to cry: [color=f6989d]“[i]Waaaah![/i]”[/color] She didn’t like being called horrible names. After missing Honedge, Skorupi had been readying another Poison Sting when she noticed a Pokemon dart from the grass out of her peripherals. The bug whirled, twirling rather artfully around Vulpix’s right side and evading the Ember she had tried to unleash on her. Spreading her lips, Skorupi revealed her vicious teeth and bit the side of Vulpix’s neck as she passed. Another Pokemon was right behind Vulpix, causing the purple-haired girls eyes to briefly widen in surprise as she twirled out of the way of Eevee’s tackle. After dodging both Pokemon, she took on a defensive stance. [color=a187be]“Wait your turn,”[/color] Skorupi told them in her monotone voice. [color=8493ca]“Kick their asses Pig Tails!”[/color] Slick-back ordered. [hr] [hr] [b]Luvdisc[/b] Nature: Jolly Level 1 Health 55 Attack 36 Defense 62 Sp. Atk 45 Sp. Def 72 Speed 104 [b]Skorupi[/b] Nature: Mild Level 1 HP 52 Attack 56 Defense 96 Sp. Atk 36 Sp. Def 62 Speed 72 [b]Alexis and v. Mullet and Slick-back[/b] Honedge v. Luvdisc and Skorupi Vulpix & Eevee v. Skorupi Luvdisc used Tackle on Honedge! [color=gray]Tackle has no affect.[/color] Vulpix used Ember on Skorupi! [color=39b54a][b]Miss![/b][/color] Skorupi used Bite on Vulpix! It was not very effective [color=red][b]4 damage[/b][/color]. Eevee used Tackle on Skorupi! [color=39b54a][b]Miss![/b][/color] [hr] [hr] [@geminironin][@Shadow Daedalus][@Ashevelendar][@TalijaKey][@Feisty-Pants][@Raijinslayer] [h3]GM Notes[/h3] The results of the Enemy Pokemons' attacks are posted. If you know your opponent missed your Pokemon, then respond accordingly as though the situation happened that way. If you know your Pokemon was hit, then same thing. Your next moves will be written as attempts/intentions. You will not confirm the move having been successful. You will find out on the next GM post whether the move was successful or missed. [s]The battle ends when a Pokemon faints.[/s] You are free to switch opponents and strategize. [color=00aeef][b]Due to Jaden's sacrifice, the tide of battle has changed and the Pokemon are having a change of heart![/b][/color]