[b]Name[/b]: Axel Clifton/Military Combat Android Generation 16 Series 58 Unit 9947 [b]Callsign/Nickname[/b]: Riff [b]Age[/b]: None, programmed 28, two years since activation [b]Gender[/b]: Male programming [b]Race[/b]: Android [b]Occupation/Rank[/b]: Staff Sergeant, Leader of Fireteam Castle [b]Affiliation[/b]: UEGNC, 41st Special Combat Unit [b]Appearance[/b]: [center][img]https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/halofanon/images/3/37/CH_Bung_Studies_003_1000_(1).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141018185704&key=09e78824c4f4fcfbe0bcd2f1046b4d687d19241edd0101fefcdb4ff371e0d8b3[/img][/center] Riff, like all Generation 16 Androids, has glowing blue photoreceptors and stands at a full 6'2". He has a well-structured face and short black hair slicked to his left. Athletic build under his armour with a relatively normal and light skin tone. [b]Personality[/b]: All Androids Generation 9 and above have their own distinct personality, and Riff is no exception. His personality is unique in that he attempts to flirt with every female he encounters, even though he is perfectly aware of the fact that he is not a human. Although this has certain drawbacks, he still tries and tries to get someone to fall for him, even though it has never worked once before. Most girls either rejected him for his flirtatious attitude, or because he was a metal skeleton incased in a synthetic layer of skin. He takes great pride in his musical talents, occasionally playing the guitar for his unit during free periods, thus earning him the nickname 'Riff'. He is also incredibly snarky at times, and is genre savvy. [b]History[/b]: Axel Clifton, or known by his designation as Military Combat Android Generation 16 Series 58 Unit 9947, is one of the last Generation 16 androids created, before the launch of the new Generation 17. He was manufactured in the central manufacturing plant of Frontier Robotics Corporation on the industrial world of Exodus, along with hundreds of others. He was modified to serve for military use, with tactics and training being uploaded into his central processing matrix, before being activated and shipped to the nearest recruitment centre. After breezing through Basic Training (mostly because he was an android), he was assigned to the 41st Special Combat Unit and sent to fight in the Colonial Uprising, a civil war fought between the United Earth Government and the Coalition of Independent Colonies, a war that had been waging on for a full 87 years. He was one of the many men to fight for the colony world Offshore, a heavily-defended planet that was controlled by the CIC. After a month of heavy fighting, the UEGNC finally managed to secure and reclaim the planet. Later, he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant for his role in the battle and given his own fireteam to command, a team designated as Castle. There, he remained in the 41st and continued fighting and commanding his team until his unit was given new orders to travel to the planet Panorama located just a few dozen lightyears away from Earth. Battered and tired, they obeyed and relocated while more men were shipped in to carry on the fighting. [b]Weapons and Equipment[/b]: [list] [*] [url=https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://img04.deviantart.net/56db/i/2013/082/c/e/corp_assault_rifle_by_therollingman-d5z0vti.jpg&key=2c427fab36bf9cc7c7d34a9ee6be4a0df0ff54ae4c4bb83d1f02c7369f35e143][b]ACAR-38[/b][/url]: The standard issue assault rifle for every Marine. It, like all other kinetic weapons of the UEGNC, uses a coil propulsion system to fire 8.41x63mm armour-piercing rounds at incredible speeds and range. It has a selective fire mode and can fire single shots, burst shots, and full auto. Comes with an undermounted grenade launcher. [*] [url=https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/036/b/d/Speed_painted_sci_fi_pistol_02_by_torvenius.jpg&key=0bf28790f18d3c961f5e6170164065cb7f0a19eca196ac09981da96b4896c6e4][b]G119[/b][/url]: Standard issue sidearm. Fires 12mm rounds. [*] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/da/75/ba/da75ba82a18aa2ac3d57b5d8594ca031.jpg][b]E31 Homing Grenade[/b][/url]: Frag grenades that home in onto targets when thrown and detonate. [*] [url=http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/615022620957360042/58FF1E689C144D9E4DE8C0A4F5CCCE9BD205C5B1/][b]12-inch Durasteel Combat Knife[/b][/url]: A combat knife sharp enough to pierce through thinner layers of underarmour bodysuit. [*] [b]Sonic Cannon[/b]: A sonic cannon mounted to Riff's right arm. It can be deployed by turning his whole arm into it. [*] [b]Marine Powered Combat Armour/Specialist[/b]: Wears the specialist variant of the standard powered armour, intended for optimal mobility. [/list] [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Close to Metal[/b]: Being an android, Riff is able to sync up to any computer and easily repair any machine, making him his team's tech expert. [*] [b]Heavy Mettle[/b]: Riff has good tactical leadership skills [*] [b]Pinpoint Calculations[/b]: Riff is a very competent marksman and deadly close combatant [*] [b]Cloud Storage[/b]: Riff can almost instantly download information into his memory banks. [*] [b]Advanced Hydraulics[/b]: Military Combat Androids all have advanced hydraulic systems, allowing them to have the strength three or more humans. [*] [b]Reactor Overclock[/b]: Riff overclocks his plasma reactor, allowing him increased strength and mobility. However, he overheats very quickly in this state, needing to cool every so often. [/list] [b]Quotes[/b]: [color=0054a6]"You can't kill what ain't alive!"[/color] [color=0054a6]"Let's tune this guy up!"[/color] [color=0054a6]"Well that's one way to get the coolant running..."[/color] [b]Theme[/b]: https://youtu.be/gTYJAKraT4E