[b]Name[/b]: Camilla Amethyst [b]Titles[/b]: Princess Camilla [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Occupation[/b]: Princess of Acadoria [b]Affiliation[/b]: Kingdom of Acadoria [b]Appearance[/b]: [center][img]https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://pre08.deviantart.net/9b8f/th/pre/i/2012/062/6/9/princess_maria_prescott_by_lionel23-d4rm1il.jpg&key=96c98b9d5f5f97d1d0e09637112e04aba08161a90f8184dad5edbb3c0e2c3996[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: While she is not an incompetent leader by any means, Camilla generally views herself as an inferior leader, and thus has low self esteem. She fears that her people do not see her as the rightful leader of Acadoria, and normally confides within the walls of the Palace of Kings. However, she is constantly looking for ways to prove herself, but she is just too scared of going out. Despite this, she can be very caring, and is extremely selfless. She has a love of music, and can skilfully play the violin. [b]History[/b]: Camilla was born into the Royal Family of Acadoria. There, she was showered with love from her parents and the entire kingdom, but was never spoiled. She was taught by only the best tutors in the entire land, and it was clear that she was gifted. She began to show exceptional leadership skills, and her parents saw her as a perfect heir, and spent months teaching her how to rule a kingdom. She was constantly put under pressure because of this, longing to live up to her parents' legendary leadership, and hoped that she would have a few more years to learn the ropes. She never got the chance as her parents were killed by bandits when they were travelling to a nearby kingdom. All of Acadoria mourned their loss, and moved on. All except Camilla, for she was still unable to cope with their death. With the new burden of having to run an entire kingdom put on her shoulders, she struggled to manage the land even with numerous senators and ministers helping her, and would frequently lock herself in her room. She eventually found solace in music, picking up the violin and playing to ease her troubles. Camilla would frequently play in the gardens of the palace when she is feeling troubled, or to a select few people she felt she could trust. When reports of a magical portal appearing near the village of Norton, she decided to prove herself that she was worthy and gathered a small group of people, mostly friends and palace guard, and headed off. [b]Weapons and Equipment[/b]: No weapons, just several coins she keeps with her. [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Soothing Tone[/b]: The princess has the ability to calm angry beings, be it human or animal. [*] [b]Leadership[/b]: Camilla is a very good leader. [/list] [b]Magical Spells[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Candlelight[/b]: Camilla casts a spell that summons a small sphere of light that floats around her. [*] [b]Healing[/b]: Camilla can heal others and herself. [/list] [b]Quotes[/b]: "I may not be the best leader, but I'll do what I must for my people." "Did I do that right?" "Oh, Mother, Father, I wish you were here..." Theme: https://youtu.be/ADzazbh1WG0