[b]Name[/b]: Jackson Calhoun [b]Callsign/Nickname[/b]: Carnage [b]Age[/b]: 54 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Occupation/Rank[/b]: Colonel (COL), 41st SCU Commander [b]Affiliation[/b]: UEGNC, 41st Special Combat Unit [b]Appearance[/b]: [center][img]https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://halo.bungie.org/misc/assaultgodzilla_japanhalo/lg/japanhalo_cod_spartans_evolved.jpg&key=bfc7a064d11c5ea18c6af5ca90739eeb15e4dd15da85f2adcfde3ee0cb0d3084[/img][/center] [center][hider=Calhoun under his armour] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6d/04/da/6d04dac06ba75fc22a187310e656ba41.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Blunt, cynical, and known for his rather brutal methods for dealing with prisoners, he is rightfully feared by numerous rebel groups in the Colonial Uprising. He maintains a no prisoners policy most of the time, and will not hesitate to shoot unarmed men and women. This earned him the nickname 'Carnage'. He is incredibly handy with his BXR-12 rifle, being able to shoot and kill someone from a far distance, even with his armour's aim assist function. [b]History[/b]: Jackson was born on the UEG colony world of Cascade to the legendary Calhoun family, a family that has been in the military for centuries. His father, a captain in the Marines, brought him up with military teachings like how to shoot a gun, how to hold a knife, and how to operate a drone. Growing up, he aspired to be like his father, and his grandfather, a major in the Marines. Eventually, he was qualified for the prestigious Skanderbeg Academy of Military Science on planet Tempest, a world that was basically a giant fortress. Military installations dotted the planet and tanks and trucks were just as common as the cars there, and almost everyone who lived in the planet's cities was a soldier. Here, he spent several years as a cadet before graduating and joining the Marines. He quickly rose up the ranks thanks to his brilliant tactical mindset, and fought in the Colonial Uprising. During a battle on the faraway colony of Reunion that was almost entirely controlled by the Coalition of Independent Colonies, he took a high-explosive armour-piercing missile directly to the chest. He was a captain during that time, and he was busy commanding his troops. While his duratanium armour took most of the impact, the projectile still went through, and blew off most of the left side of his body. By some miracle, he was alive and rushed to a hospital ship orbiting the planet. He stayed there for a while, waiting for replacement body parts to be grown in the vats in the ship. During this time, he reflected on the battle. When he recovered after getting replacement body parts and organs, he immediately requested to be sent back down, despite orders to go home. Not having any of it, he suited himself up and took an orbital drop pod down to the planet surface. Landing, he managed to reunite with his company and fought with a ferocity unlike any before. Eventually, he managed to capture the city that was being used as a base for the CIC in the star system, signifying UEGNC victory. There were some rebels who attempted to surrender, but were immediately mown down by the angry Calhoun. While this act is completely legal, it is often frowned upon, but his act of disobeying orders was punishable by death. However, instead of putting him on trial, the UEGNC gave him a Medal of Honour for his outstanding bravery, and gave him a field promotion all the way to Colonel. It was something that had not happened in decades. He still continues to fight to this day, taking command of the 41st Special Combat Unit. [b]Weapons and Equipment[/b]: [list] [*] [url=https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/328/222/large/gurmukh-bhasin-sci-fi-gun-1-half.jpg?1417407927&key=8aac9f4cf2e93b6183c2bb25c5c37a7d1d1d1aa5a024993f673af3f1872a301d][b]BXR-12[/b][/url]: Reliable battle rifle that fires 8.41x63mm rounds. [*] [url=https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cf/33/97/cf33978e6c363b8599fe08b7f7f47196.jpg&key=3da9076c280376e381a1c50af5adec87d8babdd54c22bdcbc740a63a64cb7982][b]SHP8[/b][/url]: Heavy pistol that fires .62 caliber rounds. [*] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/da/75/ba/da75ba82a18aa2ac3d57b5d8594ca031.jpg][b]E31 Homing Grenade[/b][/url]: Frag grenades that home in onto targets when thrown and detonate. [*] [url=http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/615022620957360042/58FF1E689C144D9E4DE8C0A4F5CCCE9BD205C5B1/][b]12-inch Sharpened Durasteel Combat Knife[/b][/url]: A combat knife sharp enough to pierce through thinner layers of underarmour bodysuit. [*] [b]Marine Powered Combat Armour/Commander[/b]: A variant of the standard Marine Powered Combat Armour for commanders, with tactical commands and gestures. [/list] [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Armour Lock[/b]: Calhoun's armour locks up and deploys an unbreakable shield for a few seconds. During this time, he is unable to move, and the shield produces an EMP effect once depleted. [*] [b]Shoulder-Mounted Homing Missiles[/b]: Two racks of six homing micromissiles each unfold from Calhoun's shoulders. Each one can penetrate armour and kill. [*] [b]Tactical Advantage[/b]: Calhoun has a great tactical mindset. [*] [b]Close Air Support[/b]: Calhoun can call in aircraft to aid. [*] [b]Orbital Bombardment[/b]: When available, Calhoun can paint a target for ships in orbit to rain down fire. [/list] [b]Quotes[/b]: "Leave a man behind, leave an army behind." "We are the 41st Special Combat Unit, the first to arrive for battle." [b]Theme[/b]: https://youtu.be/EnonMn7mNF8