[hr] [hider=Mary Azalith] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wPjCcre.png[/img] [color=ed145b][i]"Who wouldn't do anything for their home?"[/i][/color][/center] [hr][b]Personal Information[/b] [hr]Name: Mary Azalith Titles: The Immortal Saintess Age: 233 Gender: Female Race: Human/Vampire Occupation: Abbess Affiliation: Wisteria Abbey, Kingdom of Acadoria [hr][b]Overview[/b] [hr]The leader of the famous Wisteria Abbey in Acadoria and a woman thought to have been blessed by the gods with immortality for her peerless virtue, Mary is, in truth, a highly cunning vampire. She continually fosters her reputation with frequent excursions and charitable ventures while ruthlessly silencing any that figure out the truth. The magical herbal remedies produced at Wisteria Abbey are in very high demand, thus Mary managed to amass considerable money and influence. She has also formed close ties to the Acadorian nobility and the royal family itself just by getting close to the heirs from a young age. There are factions in the Church that oppose her, but she has puppets in the Church administration to counter them. The appearance of the people from the United Earth Government will be a big problem for the prosperity of her Abbey as they have advanced, mass-produced medicines. Thus she will seek to oppose the entry of the UEGNC into this world. [hr] [hider=Appearance][center][color=ed145b][i]"I once thought of it as a curse, now I can only see it as a blessing."[/i][/color][/center] Mary appears as a mere girl of seventeen years, which catches many people off guard. However, she has a sort of serene, caring look that manages to calm people down despite her bloodred eyes. She modified the typical black nun's outfit, making it frilled, have ribbons, and fit her curved form like a glove. With her outfit and her pink hair, she stands out easily in the convent. [img]http://i.imgur.com/1OXbhtV.png[/img] Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=255072[/hider] [hr] [hider=Personality][center][color=ed145b][i]"My love is more primal and pure than people could know."[/i][/color][/center] As the "Immortal Saintess" sent by the gods to spread goodness in this world, Mary is elegant, soft-spoken, and friendly; even though a polite distance is always maintained, she is capable of making people open up to her with a sympathetic approach and centuries of wisdom. Anyone who is unsuspecting of her true nature is left with a glowing impression of her virtue and kindness. While she may be capable of great duplicity, Mary is actually as caring as her reputation suggests. That motherly care, however, is strictly reserved for her daughters of the convent and any poor girls that come to seek help at the Abbey. Mary has an overwhelming instinct to preserve and protect the abbey—its people, its values, and its peaceful, laidback atmosphere that has stayed almost the same since the day she arrived. There is no task too great nor crime too heinous when it is to defend her irreplaceable home. In fact, she was never truly religious, except for short spans of time, the world was too cruel for her to put faith in a benevolent deity. Over time, she ended up inflicting plenty of that cruelty herself without divine retribution. Ironically, some things she does earns the Abbey enemies, such as when she monopolized the market on high quality remedies. Other things she does is collect magical artefacts and other objects of value to put on display in the abbey, which draws the attention of thieves. Her success thus far has made her prideful and stubborn in her ways. If she makes enemies, she believes she simply needs the overwhelming power and influence to crush them for daring to threaten the abbey. [center][color=ed145b][i]"Every day, my love grows."[/i][/color][/center] Mary is not a completely single-minded being though. Two hundred years is plenty of time to develop interests and hobbies in her spare time. In addition to academic texts, Mary enjoys various literature, even the fanciful, overblown tales of romance and chivalry that are so popular these days. Her other hobbies are gardening and people watching, especially watching the novitiates grow into abbey life. A common trick she does is disguise herself as a fellow novitiate and befriend the newcomers. Experience has taught her that there is great amusement to be found in new things, new people, and stepping out of your comfort zone, so she keeps an open mind to anything that doesn't threaten what's precious to her.[/hider] [hr] [hider=History][center][color=ed145b][i]"Once you tread on the path of darkness, you will tread on it forever. For the sake of the Abbey, I shall tread gleefully."[/i][/color][/center] Blessed with looks and intelligence, Mary was loved by everyone in the town she was born, until her town was attacked by a vampire. They managed to take care of it, but not before the vampire, being drawn to her beauty, had bitten her. To her horror, the townsfolk turned on her next and she was forced to flee for her life. A beautiful young girl by herself, a vampire no less, is bound to suffer greatly, but she managed to survive, defend herself, and when she could, she paid any grievances back with murder. Her life took a turn, however, when she stumbled upon Wisteria Abbey. Mary entered seeking sanctuary, not knowing that the Church had simple ways to detect the undead. Yet, she had the extraordinary fortune that the sister on duty did not care. The kindness she was shown on that day returned her to the light. The sister and the abbess herself even allowed Mary to feed on them, and simply applied medicines produced by the Abbey to prevent infection. From then on, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the Abbey, such that she was able to inspire her peers with her diligence. A few years after she arrived, an epidemic hit southern Acadoria where Wisteria Abbey was located. The nuns of the Abbey did their best to treat the sick and dying, but many succumbed to the illness themselves. Mary alone was able to treat the diseased without fear. With her knowledge of medicine, her natural genius, she was able to find a cure through trial and error, and promptly visited the villages around the area saving thousands of lives. It was during these turbulent times that people began to think of her as some sort of saint. Mary was not to be concerned by that, because when she returned to the Abbey, Mary realized that the sister who saved her had contracted the disease a while ago and was beyond saving, as she had gotten pneumonia and various other conditions as well. To incense her further, at the same time, another small monastery had figured out that Mary was a vampire when she went about treating people. They were blackmailing the Abbey to try to take credit for the cure. The cold anger and cunning from Mary's days as a lone vampire resurfaced. It was here when Mary discovered the power of the mob, and roused the people to attack the monastery without directly asking them. In the chaos, she slipped in and personally made sure the ringleaders of the incident were killed. Mary acted contrite that her words had incited a massacre, but what she had truly felt was satisfaction, incredible satisfaction that the enemies of her beloved Abbey were disposed of. It allowed her to vent her grief that the person she loved most had died. She continued to study medicine so that no one important to her would die of illness again, but she also continued to foster her reputation and standing. The rumour was spread that the gods had gifted her with immortality. When the old abbess died, Mary was unanimously voted to take her place. To this day, Mary continues to work tirelessly for the sake of her Abbey.[/hider] [hr] [hider=Combat Info][center][color=ed145b][i]"One must always be ready to defend what one holds dear. My power is a sign of love."[/i][/color][/center] Not the type to stand idle, Mary has studied many things over the course of her long life. Mainly in economics, politics, magic, and the sciences than "useless pursuits" like history or philosophy. Thus, she has become a powerful sorceress and one of the greatest doctors of the era. As a vampire, her physical capabilities and magic are greatly diminished while she is exposed to direct sunlight. She may as well be a small child then. [hider=Equipment][list][*][b][url=https://i.gyazo.com/76bb12c0993c6255a6d16bbdd6ea8387.png]Obzidia's Razor[/url][/b]: A powerful magical dagger with the ability to slice through any substance. [/list][/hider] [hider=Skills][list][*][b]Vast Knowledge[/b]: From alchemy to natural sciences, the amount of knowledge Mary accumulated over two centuries is immense. In particular, she specializes in herbs and medicine. [*][b]Psychology[/b]: Mary is an expert at manipulating others. Her cordial demeanor naturally opens people up to her. She can easily discern most people's personalities and dangle their desires before them. [*][b]Vampirism[/b]: By drinking the blood of living creatures, Mary absorbs their life force, weakening them. Drinking blood allows her to recover from any injury that doesn't outright kill her. [*][b]Enhanced Physical Prowess:[/b] While not exposed to direct sunlight, she has the strength of perhaps two trained knights despite her thin build. However, she is not trained to use it as she dislikes exercise. [/list][/hider] [hider=Magic]For a lot of magic, she knows the theory behind it but cannot personally use. [list][*][b]Shadow Manipulation[/b]: By giving shadows substance and controlling them, she can perform a great variety of tasks. However, she seldom uses it in front of others. She can only make shadows exert total force approximately equal to a human's strength and shadows are easy to punch through, but she can compensate by forming bladed objects with the shadows. Sometimes, rather than using pawns, she assassinates her enemies is using their own shadow to stab their jugular vein or slit their throat. The range of her shadow manipulation is twenty meters and it has to be in her line of sight. Using shadows is tiring and she can go full force with it for approximately ten minutes. [*][b]Corpse Manipulation[/b]: As long as she is within twenty meters of them, she can freely manipulate the muscles of up to five corpses. Without the brain's limiter, they exhibit superhuman strength. Using dark magics and medical techniques, she can keep corpses fresh for a long time. [*][b]Healing Magic[/b]: As a vampire, her ability to use actual healing magic is very limited, but she can heal minor cuts and bruises. This can be highly useful when performing surgical operations. [/list] [/hider] [/hider][/hider] [hr]