Name:Reavus Level:1 Race:Werewolf Class:Warrior Day/time:day 1/morning Location: the meeting spot in the main lounge of the greased oak Tagged:Open Mentioned:[@Holy soldier][@Bright_Ops][@Vec][@JackalopeLove][@Halvtand] Reavus finished his pie just in time to notice the man who had been hungover getting pointed at by a bow and arrows the elf moved away yelling[color=dodgerblue]"Stay away from me!".[/color][color=fff200] 'I don't get how she plans to work with the guild if she can't stay calm here, but on the other hand I guess that big man probably did something stupid, with a scent like that it's likely he does stupid things often.'.[/color] While Reavus was grabbing the rest of the second pie, the large man began throwing a fit about losing his gold. Reavus didnt really listen since if he'd had the money he would've just bought more pie. He also noticed a new smell at the table and turned to see a man who appeared to be a magician, doing magic for the cleric that had been sitting at the table. While at the same time a knight had come in to try to put a stop to the dragons accusations. Or maybe the knight was in the guild too. The people so far were so diverse he wondered if this could really work before starting on the rest of the other pie.