[@gohKamikaze] The term 'the Great Old Ones' was not a term Koru had head before at least if he had it was not on the pages of his book that he now flipped through. If it had been there at some point it was now gone as with many of the earlier pages either too weathered to be legible or torn for reasons still unclear. Still it could merely be a term for one of the many gods slain either by their own kind or adventurers with more brawn than brain. [color=00a651]"I can't say that I have?"[/color] he looked once more at the roughly drawn map of Hardwick's homeland and back to the grizzled human[color=00a651]"Are they the pantheon that resides over this land you call [i]Dunwich[/i]?"[/color] The section of the bar Koru was sitting before looked much more like a study then a place of merriment, the elf was poring over his book the wine strategically placed in such a way that should it spill minimal damage would be sustained if he was quick.