[b]Name:[/b] Keith [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Warlock [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning [b]Location:[/b] The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak [b]Tagging:[/b] Open, [@Vec][@KoL] [b]Mention:[/b][@Holy Soldier][@Halvtand][@Fetzen][@Cyrania][@JackalopeLove][@Raizin][@Ayemdar] [img]http://bestanimations.com/Games/Cards/card-trick-animated-gif-8.gif[/img] With the card placed, Keith offered the cleric a warm, playful little smirk before the selected card disappeared in the deck as he made its various parts dance in his hands in what he would happily admit to himself was a rather impressive display of shuffling. Of course, the shuffling was just part of the trick; Out of everyone in the area, he figured that only one... maybe two of the more... shady looking patrons nearby would have been able to follow what he had actually with their eyes and [i]only[/i] if they were actively watching closely for it. The werewolf might also have been able to figure out some of the behind the scenes part of the trick, depending on if he had developed his sense of smell correctly to follow the clerics scent... and cared enough to do so. Restoring the deck to its normal form, he offered the cleric a grin... before the deck burst into flame in his hands and he threw the cards towards the table in the middle, the cheap material they were made of burning away and the fires fading before any of them hit wood. With the up most confidence (And no doubt the attention of everyone present now), he calmly walked around the people until he was beside the rather cute gnomish woman whom was present. Kneeling down beside her so that he was more head height with her, he offered her a disarming grin as he bowed his head and reached out to take her hand, politely kissing the back of it before looking her in the eyes. "[color=ed1c24]Forgive me for bothering you my lady, but could you check inside of your left shoe? I believe I misplaced something belonging to my cleric friend there.[/color]" [hider=Behind the scenes (Spoiler alert)] The moment that Keith started to shuffle the deck, Kai's card disappeared up his shelve and out of the deck, the movement hidden by the quick, fancy movements of the shuffling itself. The deck bursting into flames can be done a couple of ways... through Keith has actually used a little bit of actual magic to do so this time for effect and to capture the attention of the audience. A deck of cards is cheap after all. Taking and kissing Lizzy's hand is a calculated move on Keith's part to keep everyone's attention around their head height... and away from Lizzy's feet where Keith's free hand has just slid Kai's picked card into her left shoe. The contact and talking also goes into distracting Lizzy from noticing the card being slid into place. [/hider]