[b]Argentina Rhosphrus & Zephroth[/b] Argentina walked up the magical appearing stairs slowly she was being cautious as she did not remember what she had done or who she had attacked. She was thinking about asking Zephroth but decided against it for the moment. Now was not the time to ask him such a question so she would wait till they were assigned their dorm rooms. Then she would ask him. She just hoped that she wasn't rooming with anyone that she had attacked earlier. There was one thing that she did notice as she climbed up the stairs though, no one seemed afraid of her. Either their were bigger things to deal with at the time which would be why she was hardly noticed or maybe she only attacked a select few people before she was trapped and restrained, or both. Before climbing to far up the stairs sh remembered what the headmaster had said. He wanted her to look after Rika, which she assumed was the kid with a bandage on one one of his eyes. She picked him up then continued to walk up the stairs. She didn't find him particularly heavy thanks to her natural strength as a vampire but nor did he smell edible, not that she wanted to eat him but it made her wonder what he was. After a couple of minutes of pointless thought she decided to forget about it for the moment as she walked into the grand Hall. She looked around for a place to sit but other than that are was far too distracted by her own thoughts to admire the hall. Argentina chose to sit in the corner of the room that was empty she placed her bag in front of her and pulled out a water bottle and a little tub of red pills. She first put Rika on two chairs and kept a watchful eye on him as she opened the pill bottle and took out one red pill and put it into her bottle of water which very quickly turned red. She put the pills back in her bag and proceeded to sip the contents of her water bottle. She looked down at Zephroth and he looked up at her as he sat beside her chair, as they waited for the assembly to begin. [b]Kyle Maxallion & Zerphina[/b] Kyle followed the others up the stairs but as he did so he kept a careful eye on his surroundings, the school was huge although that was something that he had expected. He looked around the area. He could not wait to explore the area unfortunately he was never very good at sitting still so he hoped that the assembly wouldn't last too long. As he walked in the grand Hall he had to stop to admire the beauty of his surroundings before wondering where to sit in the huge but he finally decided to sit in the third row from the front and wait for the assembly to begin. Zerphina sat on his right as she kept an eye out for the headmaster.